Environment is the invisible hand
that shapes our behavior.
James Clear
The way you select the things you own represent
the criteria by which you make choices in
every aspect of your life, including your
relationships with people and your job.
Marie Kondo
The problem for most people isn't a lack
of organization. The problem is having
too much stuff to manage.
Julianna Poplin
1. Create a plan.
2. Create a sorting system. Sell, donate and trash.
3. Ask the right decisions:
Have I used it in the past month?
Do I use it regularly?
Is it broken, expired, never used, empty?
Is there a duplicate?
Do I have the space to store it?
What's the worst that could happen if I get rid of it?
Does it spark joy? Does it make my life easier?
4. Ask yourself what you want to keep.
5. Find a home for all the items.
Day 1: Living room
1.1 Decor items
1.2 Books
1.3 Photos and albums
1.4 DVDs
1.5 Furniture
Day 2: Bedroom
2.1 Clothes
2.2 Shoes and accessories
2.3 Skincare and makeup
2.4 Wallets and bags
Day 3: Kitchen
3.1 Pots and pans
3.2 Pantry items
3.3 Expired food and empty condiments
3.4 Junk drawer
Day 4: Bathroom
4.1 Bedsheets and linen
4.2 Towels
4.3 Empty bottles, samples, old medicine
Day 5: Office room
5.1 Old tech gadgets
5.2 Charging cables, batteries, wires
5.3 Paper clutter
5.4 Old hobbies and art supplies
5.5 Sentimental items
Day 6: Digital
6.1 Digital media
6.2 Contacts
6.3 Unsubscribe
6.4 Data management
6.5 Desktop
Day 7: Outside
7.1 Car
7.2 Balcony
- Always use it up, donate or recycle.
1. Photo frames.
2. Vases.
3. Dead plants.
4. Od or scented candles.
5. Essential oils or incense you donยจt use.
6. Old magazines.
7. DVDs.
8. Extra notebooks.
9. Books you don't read.
10. Outdated textbooks.
11. Extra earphones.
12. Misc charges & cords.
13. Originals packaging.
14. Camera & laptop accessories.
15. Warranties and instruction manuals.
16. Insurance policies shred.
17. Old credit cards
18. Receips.
19. Blurry photos.
20. Board games.
21. Craft supplies and old hobbies.
22. Random keys.
23. Foreign currency.
24. Neglected exercise equipment.
25. Outdoor toys.
26. Old gadgets and toys.
27. Pet toys.
28. Repair parts for things you don't have.
29. Cheap hangers.
30. Old sheets.
31. Extra blankets.
32. Watch & accessories you don't wear.
33. Clothes that don't fit.
34. Fancy outfits for specifik events.
35. Uncomfortable shoes.
36. Free shirts.
37. Swag gifts.
38. Unwanted gifts.
39. Totes & backpacks.
40. Empty bottles.
41. Travel size toiletries.
42. Old makeup.
43. Expired medicine or supplements.
44. Cooking tools and appliances.
45. Duplicates.
46. Expired foods.
47. Jars & containers without lids.
48. Extra plates, mugs, cups.
49. Old spices.
50. Food containers.
- Am I still getting value out of this item? (the living room)
- When was the last time I used this item? (the kitchen)
- Do I have duplicates? (the bathroom)
- How does this fit into my lifestyle? (the closet)
- What does it mean to you?
- Take your time to declutter.
- It's not always about being practical.
- Don't feel guilty. Life happens.
- Letting go give us freedom.
- Decluttering is a lifestyle and a habit.
Clutter is the enemy of clarity.
Geralin Thomas
Putting your house in order, if you can do it,
is one of the most comforting activites,
and the benefits are incalculable.
Leonard Cohen
1. Figure out what kind of closet you need.
2. Play around with the layout.
3. Choose a light colour.
4. Include a light carpet.
5. Lights!
6. Clear shelving.
7. Clear storage.
8. Make your every day items take priority.
9. Use the same hangers.
10. Colour cordinate.
11. Group items per category.
12. Buy a foot stool.
13. Have identical storage.
14. Seasonal organisation.
15. Store clothes away.
16. Do not hang knitwear.
17. Do not stack.
18. Label your drawers.
19. Pay attention to gaps in your wardrobe.
20. Invest in a hanger sliding system.
1. 20 minute daily cleaning.
2. Schedule a deep clean.
3. Clean the fridge every time you grocery shop.
4. Clean as you cook.
5. Fold the KonMari way.
6. Make a home for every item.
7. Create a declutter box.
8. Scan important documents.
Your home should tell the story of who you are,
and be a collection of what you love.
Nate Berkus
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