Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Raise Your Standards

Be civil to all;
serviceable to many;
familiar with few;
friend to one;
enemy with noone.

Benjamin Franklin

- Self care; exercise and eat healthy. Avoid alcohol and other addictives. Spend time with myself and with people on the same journey as me.

- Be a good family member, worker etc. Fulfil my personal responsibilites.

- Treat all beings with respect and be observant of how they want to be treated.
Make people I encounter feel good.

- Be a servant of the principles that I believe in: service, compassion and kindness.
1. Being of service to others.
2. Considering the feeling of others.
3. Taking action to ensure the happiness and comfort of others.
Avoid causing unnecessary harm and suffering.

- Practice these standards one day at the time.

Create all the happiness you are able to create;
remove all the misery you are able to remove.
Every day will allow you, will invite you to
add something to the pleasure of others,
or to diminish something of their pains.

Jeremy Bentham

Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance.
Coco Chanel

#1 - Doomed relationships.
#2 - Talking about men.
# 3 - Unrealistic expectations.
# 4 - Social media.
# 5 - Mental health issues.
# 6 - Psychologically illiterate.
# 7 - Financial illiteracy.

1. Get a steamer.
2. Get therapy.
3. Define your lifestyle goals.
4. Prioritize your skin and hair.
5. Use your nicest things at all times.
6. Analyze how to improve your details.
7. Set boundaries.

A lack of boundaries invites a lack of respect.
Stephan Labossiere

We can't connect with someone unless we're
clear about where we end and they begin. 
If there's no autonomy between people,
then there's no compassion or empathy,
just enmeshment.

BrenΓ© Brown

I cannot control other people,
but I can control if they are in my life or not.

Mastin Kipp

You teach people how to treat you by what you
allow, what you stop and what you reinforce.

Tony Gaskins

True friends are families which you can select.
Audrey Hepburn

To improve is to change;
to be perfect is to change often.

Winston Churchill

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