The true worth of a man is to be
measured by the objects he pursues.
Marcus Aurelius
It's a dangerous conception of mental hygiene
to assume that what man needs is equilibrium.
What man actually needs is not a tensionless
state but rather a striving and struggling
for a worthwhile goal.
Viktor Frankl
The price of anything is the amount of life
you exchange for it.
Henry D Thoreau
He who has a why to live
can bear almost any how.
Friedrich Nietzsche
Life isn't about finding yourself or finding
anything. Life is about creating
yourself and creating things.
Bob Dylan
Decide who you will be five years from now and then vizualise what success looks and feel liks for you.
- What do you look like and how are you dressed?
- Who are the people you surround yourself with?
- Where do you live? What does your home look like?
- Are you traveling to some exotic location or in an office at your dream job?
- Where do you go to have fun and who do you enjoy spending your time with?
- In what ways do you give back to your community?
- What do people know you for and how will you be remembered?
Once you have established this vision clearly in your mind's eye, begin writing out an in-depth description of this version of you that you just saw. Write your account in the first person and as though you have already achieved the healthy body and vibrant lifestyle you just envisioned.
Imagination is the beginning of creation.
You imagine what you desire,
you will what you imagine
and at last you create what you will.
George Bernard Shaw
Your legacy is every life you've ever touched.
Maya Angelou
Close your eyes and feel yourself
already having what you want.
This takes you from a state
of wanting to a state of being.
Mastin Kipp
If you will keep being your best,
you will come into a life that is
beyond your expectations.
Victory is reserved for those
who are willing to pay its price.
Sun Tzu
Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is
necessary. If fulfils the same function
as pain in the human body. It calls
attention to an unhealthy state of things.
Winston Churchill
- What, specifically, are you ready to work on achieving?
- What measuring stick will you use to make sure you are staying on track?
- What steps of action will you be taking on the path to achieving your goals?
- What will achieving this goal contribue to the overall vision you created for yourself in step 1?
- Create a window of time to achieve your goal and commit to it.
- Reaffirm to yourself every morning how much time you have left to complete it,
then again before going to sleep.
Dreams are free, but goals have a cost,
which are time, effort, sacrifice and sweat.
Usain Bolt
Your M.O. should be one or two sentences and reflect what it is you are going after and how you are going to achieve it, concisely and with precision.
Recite it daily, anchoring yourself to the pursuit of achieving your goal.
Most people just want to be in the result and not
in the process, and it's in the process where you
realize who deserves to be in the result.
Work to become, not to acquire.
Elbert Hubbard
God sells us all things at the price of labor.
Leonardo da Vinci
It is not what we think or feel that makes us
who we are. It is what we do. Or fail to do.
Jane Austen
1. Write down your dream life.
2. List what changes you need to implement to create this life.
3. Break down each change into bite-sized action steps.
4. Implement the action steps into your daily habits.
- Remind yourself of why you're doing what you're doing every day.
- Visualize how the outcome of your goals is going to make you feel. Look at pictures. Say affirmations. Journal.
- Train your self-discipline. Exercise every day. Stick to a whole-food, plant-based diet.
Great things are done by a series
of small things brought together.
Vincent van Gogh
The path is the goal.
Mahatma Gandhi
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