Wednesday, June 26, 2024

How to Travel

The purpose is not the destination
but the journey itself.

Amish Tripathi

Travel and tell no one, live a true love story
and tell no one, live happily and tell no one,
people ruin beautiful things.

Khalil Gibran

1. No running shoes.
2. Sneaker & dress combo.
3. Linen.
4. No sports wear.
5. Dress modestly.
6. A daytime hat.
7. Avoid backpacks & fanny packs.
8. Sleeve-less shirts.
9. Avoid jeans hot pants. Wear white shorts.
10. Sun-glasses.

1. Make a list of your essentials.
2. Coordinate outfits in advance.
3. Use packing cubes.
4. Fold heavy items, roll smaller items.
5. Have a waterproof bag for liquid.
6. Wear the bulkiest items and accessories on the plane.
7. Make use of every space.
8. Travel with less.

Who wouldn't travel if they could? Who
wouldn't want to enjoy different sensations,
especially when the world is filled with
so much great stuff? I like new things.
I like learning about stuff. It makes me
happy. I like being wrong about stuff.

Anthony Bourdain

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