Monday, February 17, 2025

Reset Your Life πŸ¦‹

Sow a thought and you reap an action;
sow an act and you reap a habit;
sow a habit and you reap a character;
sow a character and you reap a destiny.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

1. Express gratitude.
2. Reflect.
3. Clean.
4. Set SMART goals: Specific. Measurable. Attainable. Relevant. Time-based.
4.1 Relationships.
4.2 Health. 
4.3 Career.
4.4 Finance.
4.5 Personal growth.

1. Define your goals - what do you want to achieve?
2. Scrutinize yourself - what do you need to improve?
3. Create a financial strategy for yourself.
4. Educate yourself - courses, books, role models, communities.
5. Take action - what can you do today that will benefit your journey? Accustom your lifestyle towards your goals.

- Physical clutter.
- Closet.
- Paper clutter.
- Digital clutter.
- Mental clutter.

1. Stack your habits.
2. Prioritize experiences over material things.
3. The 5 second rule. Take action.
4. Plant-based food.
5. Invest in good sleep.
6. Get to know yourself. Try new things. Get out of your comfort zone.
7. Choose the decision that makes you happy.
8. Use social media for inspiration.
9. Just go for it.
10. Set intentions, not just goals.

1. Let go of narratives that no longer serve you.
2. Set one-word intentions.
3. Design a purposeful environment.
4. Focus on creating systems, instead of goals.
5. Practice daily reset.

- Fill your buckets: Contribution. Connection. Vitality.
- Look put together.
- Learn something new.
- Take a different route.
- Revisit your purpose.

1. Explore your own backyard.
2. Celebrate your wins.
3. Start investing.
4. Assess your relationships.
5. Recreate favorite restaurant recipes.
6. Let go of perfectionism.
7. Quit fast fashion.
8. Keep an inspiration list.

1. Embrace change.

2. Commit to your appearance.
- Go through your closet and throw away/donate anything that you do not feel beautiful in. Figure out your personal style and build your new wardrobe.
- Look your best every single day. Get creative with your makeup, style, hair, the way that you walk. Everything is art.

3. Give yourself the gift of time.
- Wake up at 4 or 5 A.M.
- Journal. Write down your goals. Find a book in each category and educate yourself.

4. Find a mentor.
- Research and learn from others.

5. Positive affirmations.
- Recreate your programming.

Successful people never stop acquiring specialized
knowledge related to their major purpose.

Napoleon Hill

Knowledge is not enough; we must apply.
Being willing is not enough; we must do.

Leonardo da Vinci

The great things are not done by impulse,
but by a series of small things brought
together. And great things are not
something accidental, but must
certainly be willed.

Vincent Van Gogh

If you look closely enough, you will see
how supported you are.
Everything you need is at your fingertips.

Mastin Kipp

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