Saturday, February 1, 2025

Dear Vegetarians...

To be vegan is to disagree with cruelty.
Isaac Bashevis Singer

Being vegan for me is about trying to live
a life where I'm not contributing to
the cruelty in the world.

Jessica Chastain

Veganism is not a diet.
It is a rejection of violence.

Marlana Mazmanian McCliman

We're exploiting female bodies and abusing
the magic of female animals
to create eggs and milk.

Nathalie Portman

The world is not a factory and animals
are not products for our use.

Arthur Schopenhauer

Being vegetarian here also means that we
do not consume dairy and egg products,
because they are products of the meat industry.
If we stop consuming, they will stop producing.
Only collective awakening can create
enough determination for action.

Thich Nhat Hanh

We've objectified certain animals so much
that we refer to them as 'livestock'.
'Stock' that just so happens to be alive.
An inconvenience that they were
even alive to begin with.

Ed Winters

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