Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Your Habits Determine Your Future

People do not decide their futures,
they decide their habits
and their habits decide their futures.

F.M. Alexander

Habits are the way you embody identity.
True behavior change is really identity change.

James Clear

1. Troubleshoot your current situation. Analyze, strategize and take action. What blockages do you have? What is the repeating pattern in your life?
2. Combine dreaming with action.
3. Transformation never stops. It's a lifestyle. 
4. Invest your time in things that elevate you. 
5. Avoid naysayers. 
6. Healthy habits.
7. Surround yourself with people of good quality.

When setting out on a journey, do not
seek advice from those who never left home.


Take care of yourself
- Create a skin care routine; body and face.
- Exfoliate, shower and moisturize your skin.
- Drink water. Eat fruit and vegetables.
- Be clean. Wash and condition your hair.
- Avoid alcohol.

Emotional balance
- Develop strategies to help you during different situations.
- Journal your feelings.
- Cry when you are alone.
- Fighting is unacceptable.

Watch what you say about yourself
Don't talk negatively about yourself.
- Change your inner dialogue.

People tend to believe that our actions
and habits stem from our beliefs.
But it's actually the other way around. 
Our habits shape our beliefs.

Renan Larue

The secret of change is to focus all of your
energy, not on fighting the old,
but on building the new.


- Spiritual.
- Practical.
- Physical.
- Emotional.
- Social.
- Mental.

Your actions become your habits,
your habits become your values,
your values become your destiny.

Mahatma Gandhi

1. Keep a self-care routine. Find something that naturally fuels your energy.
2. Be tidy. Your home reflects your inner well being.
3. Smell nice. Make sure that your home smells nice.
4. Keep growing and learning.
5. Stop being defensive. Pause and ask yourself: "what's really going on with myself that triggers me?"

We are what we repeatedly do.
Excellence, therefore,
is not an act, but a habit.


Discipline is only difficult
until it becomes a habit.

Colin Hudon

- Clean as you go.
- Take care of belongings.
- Learn to say no.
- Quality over quantity.
- Minimize your to do list.

1. Find joy in the small things.
2. Focus on what's whitin your control.
3. Connect with nature.
4. Practice gratitude.
5. Take time to slow down.
6. Embrace the contrast of life.
7. Don't compare yourself to others.

Gratitude is the healthiest
of all human emotions.

Zig Ziglar

- Limit mindless content consumption.
- Connect with nature.
- Explore different hobbies and learn new skills.
- Seek beautiful moments in ordinary life.
- Engage wholeheartedly in anything you do.

Men's natures are alike, it is their habits
that carry them far apart.


1. Morning pages
2. Freestyle
3. Bullet journal
4. Unsent letter
5. One sentence
6. Gratitude

We do not learn from experience...
we learn from reflecting on experience.

John Dewey

- Structure your day.
- Simplify the complicated tasks.
- Dedicate time for your goals.
- Make your chores enjoyable.
- Build your dream life in your free time.

As you cultivate peace within your body, heart
and mind your life will begin to reorganize
around the higher vibration you are
emanating into the world. As it is within
you so shall it be in your life.

Mastin Kipp

Your future is found in your daily routine.
Successful people do daily what others
do occasionally.

Paula White

Sow a habit and you reap a character;
sow a character and you reap a destiny.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

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