Wednesday, May 8, 2024

How to Go Vegan

It is our hearts, not just our heads,
that demand of us that we overcome,
for them, the habits and forces
behind their systematic oppression.
That requires both our passion and
our discipline. The fate of animals
is in our hands. God grant
we are equal to the task.

Tom Regan

The most ethical diet just so happens to be 
the most environmentally sound diet and
just so happens to be the healthiest.

Michael Greger

The best time to start has already passed.
The second best time is NOW.

Once we're thrown off our habitual paths,
we think all is lost, but it's only here
that the new and the good begins.

Leo Tolstoy

Success is not achieved by the impractical who
merely contemplate, but by the individuals
who face reality head-on and take
purposeful action.


1. Education.
2. Identify Small Goals.
3. Make Room for Failure.
4. Create Small Habits.
5. Replace, NOT restrict.
6. Build Community.

Do the best you can until you know better.
Then when you know better, do better.

Maya Angelou

One foot in front of the other.
Repeat as often as necessary to finish.

Haruki Murakami

I prefer to be true to myself, even at the hazard
of incurring the ridicule of others, rather than to
be false, and to incur my own abhorrence.

Frederick Douglass

He who has a why to live for
can bear almost any how.

Friedrich Nietzsche

What I want people to know is that it's a joy
to be vegan. It feels good intellectually,
morally, spiritually. It's just leading
with kindness basically. That's what we
all need to do. Lead with kindness
and that will change the world.

Jo-Ann McArthur

1. Know your why. Make the connection.
2. Transition at your own pace.
3. Whole food plant-based diet.
4. Learn easy GO TO vegan meals.
5. By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail (Benjamin Franklin).
6. Don't strive for perfection - it's a learning process.
7. Supplement B12 (& vitamin D in the winter).
8. Keep learning, keep growing.
9. Practice empathy and understanding.
10. Socialize & participate in the vegan community, on/off line.
11. Eat balanced meals.
12. Have fun. Explore!

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