Thursday, January 16, 2025

🐮Not Your Mother - Not Your Milk

We're taught as children that milk
comes from cows when in reality,
milk comes from mothers.

Preacher Lawson

Jo Frederiks

It is my firm conviction that man need take
no milk at all, beyond the mother's
milk that he takes as a baby.

Mahatma Gandhi

The animals you eat are not those who devour
others; you do not eat the carnivorous beasts,
you take them as your pattern. You only
hunger for the sweet and gentle creatures
which harm no one, which follow you,
serve you, and are devoured by you
as the reward of their service.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Man is as much a parasite on the cow
as the tapeworm is on man.

Milan Kundera

We know things about her that no one should
ever know, or want to know, about a fellow
being... the taste, texture and flavor of every
aspect of her despair, degradation and defeat.

We know every detail of what we have forced
her to be - an object to consume and excrete.
What we don't know, what we don't want to
know, is what we must know if we are
to restore our own humanity: who she is.

Joanna Lucas

Man has made the Earth a hell for animals.
Arthur Schopenhauer

The dairy industry tried to convince you
for 20 years that milk was good for you.
It's a lie, but they tried anyway.

Steve Jobs

Whiteness rests upon a foundational premise:
the definition of white as the norm or standard
for human, and people of color
as the deviation from that norm.

Robin DiAngelo

Humans are the only animals that drink
the milk of the mother of another species.
All other animals stop drinking milk
altogether after weaning.

Michael Klaper

Thou never didst them wrong, nor no man
wrong; And as the butcher takes away the calf
And binds the wretch, and beats him when he
strays, Bearing him to the bloody slaughter-
house, Even so remorseless have they borne him
hence; And as the dam runs lowing up and
down, Looking the way her harmless young
went, And can do nought but wail
her darling's loss.

William Shakespeare

A mother's love does not derive from
the intellect but from the emotions,
in animals just as in humans.


We're exploiting female bodies and abusing
the magic of female animals to create milk.

Nathalie Portman

Being vegetarian here also means that we do not
consume dairy and egg products, because they
are products of the meat industry. If we stop
consuming, they will stop producing. Only
collective awakening can create enough
determination for action.

Thich Nhat Hanh

Cows are amongst the gentlest of breathing
creatures; none show more passionate
tenderness to their young when deprived
of them; and, in short, I am not ashamed
to profess a deep love for these quiet creatures.

Thomas de Quincey

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