Sunday, February 16, 2025

🐛 The Mind is the Motor 🦋

What you want is deliberately placed
out of reach so that you can become
the person it takes to obtain it.
Mastin Kipp

You cannot wish for both strong character
and an easy life. The price of each is the other.

Alex Hormozi

The trials you face will introduce you
to your strengths.


- Visualize the woman that you want to be.
How does she look? How does she smell? How does she act? How does she treat people? What does she have? What is her position in life? What is her purpose? Write it down. Make it as detailed as possible.

- Your mind.
Unravel your subconscious mind and core thoughts. It takes work to access new "emojis" in your mind but the more you use an "emoji", the easier it gets.

- Your thoughts.
Have stillness. Evalute your thoughts and create a new paradigm. Change the channel.

- The spirit.
Daily spiritual cleansing. Forgive yourself.

- The butterfly effect. Transformation.

We delight in the beauty of a butterfly,
but rarely admit the changes it has
gone through to achieve that beauty.

Maya Angelo

Your mind is like a garden -
unless you cultivate flowers,
weeds will flourish.

Brian Tracy

The mind and the body imprint each other.
What we think, we become.
What we become, we think.

Edgar Cayce

1. Set priorities.
2. Be decisive.
3. Avoid multitasking.
4. Keep a journal.
5. Let go of expectations.

What is to give light must endure burning.
Viktor Frankl

1. Define what's holding you back in life. Let go of your blockages. It all starts with awareness. Work with affirmations.

2. Set goals. What do you really want? Admit, accept and decide.

3. Find your fuel. Ask yourself every day: how badly do you want to achieve your goal?

4. Strategize without excuses. How are you going to get yourself from where you are now, to where you want to be? Start and figure it out as you move forward.

Although, I had a hard time seeing how
I could make my dreams come true,
I focused more on what I wanted to achieve
in my life... I took actions day by day,
often outside my comfort zone, to better
myself and bring me closer to those goals.

Tina Turner

If you want it bad enough,
you'll put away all of the excuses,
and you'll do whatever it takes.
If you want it, you'll learn,
you'll create, and you'll be patient
as you put the effort in.
If you want it, you will find
a way to make it happen.

Sylvester McNutt III

1. Accept that achieving your goals is going to be tough.

2. Create your own fuel.
- Connect with your "why". Keep your eyes on the prize.
- Train your self-discipline. Force yourself to do things even when you don't feel like doing it.
- Determination. Keep on going.

3. If it's not working - restrategize.

Discipline is choosing between what
you want now and what you want most.

Abraham Lincoln

Man conquers the world by conquering himself.
Zeno of Citium

Every action has its pleasures and its price.

If we were to measure what is good by how much
pleasure it brings, nothing would be better than
self-control - if we were to measure what is to be
avoided by its pain, nothing would be more
painful than lack of self-control.

Musonius Rufus

All rivers and some people are crooked because
they follow the path of least resistence.

Napoleon Hill

This is the real secret of life - to be completely
engaged with what you are doing in the here
and now. And instead of calling it work,
realize it is play.

Alan Watts

Den mätta dagen, den är aldrig störst.
Den bästa dagen är en dag av törst.

Nog finns det mål och mening i vår färd
- men det är vägen, som är mödan värd.

Det bästa målet är en nattlång rast,
där elden tänds och brödet bryts i hast.

På ställen, där man sover blott en gång,
blir sömnen trygg och drömmen full av sång.

Bryt upp, bryt upp!
Den nya dagen gryr.
Oändligt är vårt stora äventyr.

Karin Boye

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