Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Self Love πŸ’

Integrity: Choosing courage over comfort;
choosing what is right over what is fun, fast
or easy; and choosing to practice our values
rather than simply professing them.

BrenΓ© Brown

Integrity is doing the right thing.
Even when no one is watching.

C.S. Lewis

Find your purpose
You are God's masterpiece. You were designed for the purpose that you were made for. What are your gifts and passions?

Personal branding
- How do you want people to experience you?
- Have a set standard for yourself on how you look and behave. Treat others the way you want to be treated.
- Take pride in the way that you present yourself. No matter who you're interacting with - it's a reflection of you. Your self-identity depends on your conduct at all times.

Enjoy your blessings
Don't dim your light to make others comfortable. Don't let others define you.

I speak to everyone in the same way,
whether he is the garbage man or
the president of the university.

Albert Einstein

The true measure of a person's character is
how they treat others, especially those less
fortunate. Do not let success or failure
define you.

Marcus Aurelius

In individuals, insanity is rare;
but in groups, parties, nations and epochs,
it is the rule.

Friedrich Nietzsche

- What are your values and goals?
- How do you spend your time and money?
- Are your habits aligned with who you want to be and the life that you want to live?
- Are what you think, say and do in harmony?
- Do you want others to do/say to you/someone you love, what you do/say to others/yourself?
- Do you keep your promises to yourself and to others? Do you respect yourself?
- Write down what you want to change and what you'll do instead.
- Have a visual reminder. Remind yourself every day.
- Fast.
- Build habits.
- Track your behavior. Journal.
- Do you need help in certain areas?
- Do you have role models?
- Are people around you helping you or holding you down?

No man is free who cannot control himself.

Self-respect is the fruit of discipline;
the sense of dignity grows with
the ability to say no to oneself.

Abraham Joshua Heschel

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then,
is not an act, but a habit.


- Personalize your life. Write down what you need to operate at your maximum potential.
- Personal excellence in everything (appearance, behavior, work etc). Go the extra mile.
- Pay no attention to haters.
- Be willing to learn from wise people.
- Have a neutral attitude to both compliments and negative opinions about you.
- Work on your posture. Eat and drink well. Exercise. Don't drink alcohol.
- Confidence in God.

A career is born in public, talent in privacy.
Marilyn Monroe

The only person with whom you have to
compare yourself is you in the past.

Sigmund Freud

Luke 7:47
For this reason I say to you, her sins,
which are many, have been forgiven,
for she loved much; but he who is
forgiven little, loves little.

1. Don't take things personally.
2. Set goals.
3. Learn how to be happy alone.
4. Take care of your health.
5. Heal from your past.

In order to love yourself,
you must behave in ways that you admire.

Irvin D. Yalom

Identity capital is our collection of personal
assets. It is the repertoire of individual
resources that we assemble over time.
These are the investments we make in ourselves,
the things we do well enough, or long enough,
that they become part of who we are.

Meg Jay

My method is to take the utmost trouble
to find the right thing to say,
and then to say it with the utmost levity.

George Bernard Shaw

- Be gentle to yourself.
- Develop your emotional intelligence.
- Create and communicate your boundaries.
- Who you are is enough.
- Embrace your uniqueness.

Be humble, hungry and
the hardest worker in any room.

Dwayne Johnson

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