Wednesday, May 15, 2024

The Power of Your Perfume

Loving yourself is part of loving God.
Take care of the temple that houses your soul.
A well maintained body allows
the soul to live it's purpose fully.

Mastin Kipp

You will not be punished for your anger,
you will be punished by your anger.


Happiness is nothing more than
good health and bad memory.

Albert Schweitzer

The sound body is the product of the sound mind.
Bernard Shaw

Give a man health and a course to steer
and he'll never stop to trouble about
whether he's happy or not.

Bernard Shaw

I have never believed that man's freedom
consisted in doing what he wants, but rather in
never doing what he does not want to do.

Jean-Jaques Rousseau

Pleasures can become punishments
when taken beyond a certain point.

Marcus Aurelius

When a person can't find a deep sense of
meaning, they distract themselves with pleasure.

Victor Frankl

I learned through my body and soul that it was
necessary to sin, that I needed lust, that I had to
strive for property and experience nausea and
the depths of despair in order to learn not to
resist them, in order to learn to love the world,
and no longer compare it with some kind of
desired imaginary vision of perfection, but
to leave it as it is, to love it
and be glad to belong to it.

Hermann Hesse

Complete abstinence is easier
than perfect moderation.

Saint Augustine

The body is a part of the soul made visible, 
the expression of the soul to our external senses.

William Blake

Dreams come true in direct proportional
to how much self-care you practice.
Your body is the temple to your soul.
Treat it impeccably well.

Mastin Kipp

There are no ugly women, only lazy ones.
Helena Rubenstein

It is the unseen, unforgettable,
ultimate accessory of fashion
that heralds your arrival and
prolongs your departure.

Coco Chanel

1. Unkept feet.
2. Lipliner outside of your lips.
3. Greasy hair.
4. Neglecting your makeup.
5. Showing your hair extensions.
6. Badly fitted fake eyelashes.
7. Blush that is not blended correctly.
8. Hair that doesn't have movement.
9. Unnatural hair color.
10. Cakey makeup.

1. Yellow or orange tone in blonde hair.
2. Hair band around your wrist.
3. Wrong tone in your foundation.
4. Split ends.
5. Tacky behavior.
6. Bad teeth.
7. Juvenile perfume
8. Dated style.
9. Eyebrows that are too strong.
10. Chipped nails.

The key to learning great skills
is to pay attention.

Mike Desert

Knowledge is not skill.
Knowledge plus ten thousand times is skill.

Shinichi Suzuki

1. Discover your signature scent.
2. Layering for longevity.
3. Timing is everything.
4. Less is more.
5. Embrace confidence & authenticity.

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