Saturday, March 8, 2025

🌍 Know Your Why 💚

He who has a why to live for
can bear almost any how.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Eating for me is how you proclaim your beliefs
three times a day. Three times a day I remind
myself that I value life and I do not want to
cause pain to or kill other living beings.
That is why I eat the way I do.

Nathalie Portman

There comes a time when one must take
a position that is neither safe, nor popular,
but he must take it because conscience
tells him it is right.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Nothing will benefit human health and
increase the chances for survival of life on Earth
as much as the evolution to a vegan diet.
If the whole world adopts veganism,
it can change the destiny of humankind.

Albert Einstein

Be nice to the environment.
Be nice to animals.
Be nice to people.
If you do that, you will leave
a mark on the world.

Enock Maregesi

Once I learned about how animals are treated
in our industrial food system, I didn't
want any part of it.

Billie Eilish

I show my love for animals by not eating them
or participating in any business that profits
directly from their exploitation.

Mayim Bialik

We change the world not by what we say or do
but as a consequence of what we have become.

David R. Hawkins

Be the change you want to see in the world.
Mahatma Gandhi

My own view is that being vegan is not an end
 in itself, but a means towards reducing both
human and animal suffering and leaving
a habitable planet to future generations.

Peter Singer

If people understood that for two minutes
of pleasure, there is a lifetime of suffering.

Khaled bin Alwaleed

If you don't have it in your heart to help animals,
then just leave them alone and do no harm.

Katie Cleary

This is why I am vegan;
I don't support the barbaric treatment
and slaughtering of millions of animals.
I don't support this industry.

Lewis Hamilton

When people ask me why I don't eat animal
products I say, 'Because they are unhealthy
and they are the product of a violent and
inhumane industry.'

Casey Affleck

I feel great after every meal, and I know that
no animals are getting hurt in the process.

Travis Barker

If you look at the climate crisis or the violence 
of our food system and feel helpless, thinking 
'I wish there was something I could do'
- you can. Right now.

Joaquin Phoenix

Being vegan for me is about trying to live a life
where I'm not contributing to the cruelty
in the world.

Jessica Chastain

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