Wednesday, May 15, 2024

The Power of Sanctuary

The day the power of love
overrules the love of power,
the world will know peace.

Mahatma Gandhi

If we could live happy and healthy lives
without harming others, why wouldn't we?

Pam Ahern

Power is actualized only where word
and deed have not parted company,
where words are not empty and deeds
not brutal, where words are not used
to veil intentions but to disclose realities,
and deeds are not used to violate and
destroy but to establish relations
and create new realities.

Hannah Arendt

Man can no longer live for himself alone.
We must realize that all life is valuable
and that we are united to all life.

Albert Schweitzer

We can judge the heart of a man
by his treatment of animals.

Immanuel Kant

Our prime purpose in this life
is to help others.
And if you can't help them,
at least don't hurt them.

Dalai Lama

I believe that the reson of life is for
each of us simply to grow in love.

Leo Tolstoy

A truth cannot be reached in scripture,
a truth has to be lived in
the innermost temple of your being.


Just how destructive does a culinary preference
have to be before we decide to eat something else?
If contributing to the suffering of billions of
animals that live miserable lives and, quite often,
die in horrific ways isn't motivating,
what would be?

If being the number one contributor to the most
serious threat facing the planet isn't enough,
what is? And if you are tempted to put off
these questions of your conscience,
to say not now, then when?

Jonathan Safran Foer

The heart of a good man is the sanctuary
of God in this world.

Suzanne Curchod

The animals of the world exist
for their own reasons.
They were not made for humans
any more than black people
were made for white,
or women created for men.

Alice Walker

Compassion for animals is intimately associated
with goodness of character, and it may be
confidently asserted that he who is cruel
to animals cannot be a good man.

Arthur Schopenhauer

Remember, the entrance door
to the sanctuary is inside you.


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