Simplify your life, for in doing so, you make
room for clarity and purpose. By removing
anything unnecessary, you create space for
what truly matters.
Truth, like gold, is to be obtained
not by its growth, but by washing away
from it all that is not gold.
Leo Tolstoy
1. Work (essentialism)
2. Personal finances (awareness, goals)
3. Time (daily routines)
4. Possessions (declutter)
5. Meals (plan)
6. Screen time (limit)
7. Relationships (evaluate, decrease)
8. Mental habits (journal, exercise)
Essentialism is not about how to get more things
done. It's about how to get the right things done.
It is about making the wisest possible investment
of your time and energy in order to operate
at our highest point of contribution
by doing only what is essential.
Greg McKeown
1. Set upp barriers.
2. 30 day detox.
3. Re-evaluate your priorities.
Digital minimalism is a philosophy
of technology use in which you focus
your online time on a small number of
carefully selected and optimized activites that
strongly support things you value and then
happily miss out on everything else.
Cal Newport
1. Coffee filters
2. Bottled water
3. Kitchen appliances
4. Plates, mugs and silverware
5. Plastic bags
6. Books
7. Stationary goods
8. Cleaning supplies
9. Single use items
10. Home decor
11. Seasonal decorations
12. Television
13. Technology
14. Pet toys
15. Fashion accessories
16. Jewelry
17. Fast fashion
18. Cocktails/beverages
19. Souvenirs
20. Things I can't afford
1. High maintenance plants
2. Gifts
3. Kindle
4. Cheese board
5. Supplements
6. Cheap kitchen tools
7. Perfume
8. Glass containers/canisters
9. "What if"-/"Maybe"-clothes
10. High heels
1. A bigger home.
2. First class seats.
3. Salon visits.
4. High-end designer clothes.
5. Latest gadgets.
6. Fine dining.
7. Resorts.
8. Car upgrades.
9. Delivery services.
10. Full-priced items.
- Opportunity cost (when you choose something, you give up something else).
- Research. Buy vegan & cruelty-free products. Support ethical companies.
- Wish list.
- Test of time.
- Use what you have.
Every time you spend money you're casting
a vote for the kind of world you want.
Anna Lappé
How to prepare
- Study your habits.
- Know your purpose.
- Remove temptations.
- How will you measure progress?
- Check ethical brands, local businesses, thrift first!
- Investments are OK.
Live simply so that others may simply live.
Mahatma Gandhi
It is our choice of good or evil that determines
our character, not our opinion about good or evil.
Each one of us makes a difference every day
by the choices we make. When billions start
making ethical decisions, we can put
the world on the right track.
Jane Goodall
Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing
more to add, but when there is nothing
more to take away.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
1. Other people's validation.
2. Things that don't align with who I am.
3. Scarcity mindset.
4. Attachment to the past.
5. Fillers of life.
You don't improve your life by doing more.
You improve it by doing less
of what doesn't matter.
Cory Allen
- Get clear about what YOU want and why?
- Narrow your focus.
- Create a strong support system.
- Eliminate and simplify based on your values.
- Let go of control and expectations.
- Reset your shopping habit.
- Simplify. Perfect the basics.
- Practice gratitude.
1. You have a clutter-free home.
2. You are good at prioritizing.
3. You have boundaries.
4. You are not influenced by marketing.
5. You don't compare your life to others.
6. You spend on meaningful purchases.
7. You don't rely on material things for happiness.
8. You feel like you're in control of your life.
Most of what we say and do is not essential.
If you can eliminate it, you'll have more time,
and more tranquility. Ask yourself at every
moment, 'Is this necessary?'
Marcus Aurelius
- Start with your physical space.
- What is your version of a 'simple life'?
- How will you redirect your resources?
- What are the habits and mindset to sustain this lifestyle?
- What can you control vs. let go?
Be a curator of your life. Slowly cut things out
until you're left only with what you love,
with what's necessary, with what
makes you happy.
Leo Bababuta
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