Saturday, November 16, 2024

Someone Not Something

The animals of the world exist for their own
reasons. They were not made for humans
any more than black people were made
for white, or women created for men.

Alice Walker

Human are best protector or worst destroyer
of nature and humanity itself.

Sandeep Sahajpal

The problem is that humans have victimized
animals to such a degree that they are
not even considered victims.
They are not considered at all.

Gary Yourofsky

Animals are not ours to eat, wear,
experiment on, use for entertainment
or for any exploitative purpose.

Sharon Gannon

I don't see why someone should lose their life
just so you can have a snack.

Russell Brand

Animals are my friends...
and I don't eat my friends.

George Bernard Shaw

Anyone who moves is not
supposed to be eaten.

Bob Marley

I hold that the more helpless a creature,
the more entitled it is to protection
by man from the cruelty of man.

Mahatma Gandhi

The soul given to each of us is moved by
the same living spirit that moves the Universe.

Albert Einstein

In every living being there is the desire for love.
D.H. Lawrence

There is no fundamental difference between man
and animals in their ability to feel pleasure
and pain, happiness and misery.

Charles Darwin

We've objectified certain animals so much
that we refer to them as 'livestock'.
'Stock' that just so happens to be alive.
An inconvenience that they were
even alive to begin with.

Ed Winters

I don’t want to eat anything that had a mother.
Fred Rogers

The pain that we cause is the cause of our pain.
Leif Erikson

Only those who are capable of loving strongly
can also suffer great sorrow, but this same
necessity of loving serves to counteract
their grief and heals them.

Leo Tolstoy

One should not kill a living being,
nor cause anyone to be killed,
nor should one incite another to kill.
Do not injure any being,
either strong or weak, in the world.


The world is not a factory and
animals are not products for our use.

Arthur Schopenhauer

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