Sunday, February 25, 2024

Ladies of the Night

The difference between a lady and a flower girl
is not how she behaves, but how she's treated.

Bernard Shaw

Saturday, February 24, 2024

The Princess Formula

It can ruin you life only if it ruins your character.
Marcus Aurelius

A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies.
The man who never reads lives only one.

George R.R. Martin

Friday, February 23, 2024

Mad Men

When a person can't find a deep sense
of meaning, they distract themselves
with pleasures.

Victor Frankl

Change is the only constant in life.
Ones ability to adapt to those changes
will determine your success in life.

Benjamin Franklin

Everything that irritates us about others
can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.

Carl Jung

Man will always be attracted to the woman
who reflects his deepest vision of himself,
the woman whose surrender permits him to
experience a sense of self-esteem.

Ayn Rand

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Blonde 👱‍♀️

I am not offended by all the dumb blonde jokes
because I know I'm not dumb... and I also
know that I'm not blonde.

Dolly Parton

1. Look on the blonde side.
2. Wear a smile.
3. Be smart (instead of seeming so).
4. Treasure your word (and your sisters).
5. Live passionately.
6. Don't judge (lest you be judged).
7. Have faith in yourself.

Marilyn is a kind of ultimate. She is uniquely
feminine. Everything she does is different,
strange and exciting; from the way she talks
to the way she uses that magnificient torso.
She makes a man proud to be a man.

Clark Gable

I've never fooled anyone. I've let people fool
themselves. They didn't bother to find out
who or what I was. Instead they would invent
a character for me. I wouldn't argue
with them. There were obviously
loving somebody I wasn't.

Marilyn Monroe

I used to think as I looked out on the Hollywood
night - there must be thousands of girls sitting
alone like me, dreaming of becoming a movie
star. But I'm not going to worry about them.
I'm dreaming the hardest.

Marilyn Monroe

I knew I belonged to the public and the world,
not because I was talented or even beautiful,
but because I had never belonged to
anything or anyone else.

Marilyn Monroe

I stopped eating animals a long time ago
because they deserve to be protected
from needless cruelty and violence.

Pamela Anderson

Animals have the purity humans have lost.
Brigitte Bardot

Animals have the purity humans have lost.
Brigitte Bardot

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

💞 Dating 💓

The secret is not to chase butterflies,
but to take care of the garden
so they'll come to you.

- You teach people how to treat you.

- Look your best. Wear colors like red, pink or leopard. Wear jewelry, makeup, perfume and heels. Make sure that your hair and nails are done.

- If he brings you a gift, say "thank you" and smile.

- Allow him to open the door for you and help you with anything that you have in your hands, to walk on the side of the street that the cars are passing by, to give you his jacket if it's cold and to pull the chair out for you.

- Put the purse in your lap or over the chair. Not on the ground or the floor. Under every bar there's hooks to wrap your purse around.

- Smile, make eye contact and make sure that you're engaged. Put your phone on silent and keep it in your purse. Don't take pictures.

- You don't have to answer any question that you don't want to answer. Just smile or laugh and turn your head. Change the subject. Listen more than you talk. Don't try too hard. Stay away from topics that can be uncomfortable, unhygienic or unpleasant. Avoid topics like personal belifes, politics and religion.

- Allow your date to flag down the waiter. Don't order too much food and don't drink too much alcohol. Not more than one glass of wine or champagne. Order light food and don't overeat.

- Speak in a feminine, soft voice. Have a nice low tone.

- Give compliments but not too many.

- Let him take the lead. Allow it to be silent sometimes. Make eye contact and smile.

- Flirt. Learn from movies and other women. Lean in and tilt your head. Use your body.

- Observe his behaviour towards you, the waiter etc. Take in everything.

- Have manners and etiquette. Take your napkin and dab your face. Make sure that you're not spitting when you're talking or talking with food in your mouth. Be mindful of the noices that you make with your mouth. 

- Always say "excuse me" before you get up from any table. Go to the restroom and touch up your makeup. Make sure nothing is stuck in your teeth.

- Don't reach for the check or ask him what you're going to do with it. If he doesn't pay - it's not a date. 

- Don't complain about anything.

- Allow the man to lead, help and impress you.

- At the end of the date, let him know that you had a nice time, smile and thank him. Be genuine and grateful.

- Let him pursue you, ask you out on another date and start a conversation with you.

1. Positive energy.
2. Look your best.
3. Smell good.
4. Go with the flow. Be present.
5. Flirt - but don't get sexual.

Think twice before you speak, because
your words will plant the seed of either
success or failure in the mind of another.

Napoleon Hill

1. No one else can fix you.
2. Know yourself and what you need.
3. Have standards and set boundaries.
4. Don't give too much too soon.
5. Walk away from dead end situations.
6. Trust your intuition.
7. Hold yourself accountable.

1. Shipped or no nail polish.
2. Being too much on your phone.
3. Too much makeup.
4. Slutty outfits in public.
5. Talking like a truck driver.
6. Asking for money or gifts.

1. Being a tease.
2. Focusing on money & accomplishments.
3. Playing hard to get.
4. Having an entitled mindset.
5. Holding him to standards you won't hold yourself to.
6. Wearing too much makeup.
7. Being too hard.
8. Making it all about God (or anything).
9. Being too independent.

Oh, the tiger will love you.
There is no sincerer love
than the love of food.

Bernard Shaw

1. Quality over quantity.
2. Set your standards.
3. Stand by your words.
4. Don't play games.
5. Reciprocate & appreciate.
6. Be confident and be yourself.
7. Never be afraid to lose.

1. Positive attitude.
2. Physical attraction.
3. Transparency.
4. A willingness to listen.
5. Respect.
6. Loyalty and support.
7. Feminine energy.

1. No substance.
2. Bad attitude.
3. Baby daddy drama.
4. Looks shouldn't matter.
5. Too independent.
6. Doesn't know how to listen.
7. Never takes any accountability.

You must find the courage to leave the table
if respect is no longer being served.

Tene Edwards

Show up and let go.
Love them and let them decide.
Do not force anything, just be open.

Mastin Kipp

Monday, February 19, 2024

Archetypal Energies

We are shaped and fashioned by those we love.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

You surrender to love;
you do not accomplish love by willpower.

Richard Rohr

1. The Lady
2. The Femme Fatale
3. The Princess
4. The Bohemian
5. The Charming Nurturer

The femme fatale expresses woman's ancient
and eternal control of the sexual realm.
The specter of the femme fatale stalks
all of men's relationships with women.

Camille Paglia

Sunday, February 18, 2024

The Power of an Inner Life

The man who has no inner life
is a slave to his surroundings.

Henri-Frédérik Amiel

1. Put your attention where you want it.
2. Keep your inner music playing.
3. Have a dream (mental destination/fuel).
4. Find a friend who gets you.
5. Put up a fight.
6. Integrate beauty into your life.
7. Don't put a prison around your mind.
8. Let pain change you (for the better).
9. Express your inner world in the outer.
10. Give yourself a project.
11. Invest in people.
12. Escape your prison.
13. Save yourself.
14. Reserve a few secrets just for yourself.
15. Keep hope alive.

1. On the nature of things.
2. On choice and ethics.
3. The emotions.
4. Finding purpose.
5. Get busy living.

Align yourself with nature;
a universe of benevolent entropy.

Feel your troubles - then overcome them.

Focus your mind.

Claim your virtues.

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he
stands in moments of comfort and convenience,
but where he stands at times
of challenge and controversy.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Act with purpose.

Champions are made from something they have
deep inside of them - a desire, a dream, a vision.

Mahatma Gandhi

Seek out friendships.

Learn to value yourself.

If someone tried to take control of your body and
make you a slave, you would fight for freedom.
Yet how easily you hand over your
mind to anyone who insults you.
When you dwell on their words and
let them dominate your thoughts,
you make them your master.


End in peace.

You are not a drop in the ocean;
You are the entire ocean in a drop.


Happy is the man who can make others better,
not merely when he is in their company,
but even when he is in their thoughts.


Tuesday, February 13, 2024

The Orphan Spirit

Du sökte en blomma
och fann en frukt.
Du sökte en källa
och fann ett hav.
Du sökte en kvinna
och fann en själ -
Du är besviken.

Edith Södergran

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Q & A

- Cut him off.
- Stop thinking about him.
- Write down what you want in your new partner.
- Evaluate why you were attracted to him.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Femininity at Work

The quality of your work reflects the quality
of your character. Focus on excellence in
all you do, and success will follow.


Don't pray for lighter burdens,
but for stronger backs.


Take pride in what you do.
The kind of pride I'm talking about
is not the arrogant puffed-up kind;
it's just the whole idea of caring - 
fiercely caring.

Red Auerbach

All anyone really requires to start a successful
career is a sound mind, a healthy body,
and a genuine desire to be as much service
as possible to as many people as possible.

Napoleon Hill

No matter how isolated you are and how lonely
you feel, if you do your work truly and
conscientiously, unknown friends will come
and seek you.

Carl Jung

Two kinds of people never get ahead:
those who do only what they are told to do
and those who will not do what they are told.
You control the quality of the service
you render, and it's the thing that
makes or breaks you.

Napoleon Hill

Criticism fulfils the same function
as pain in the human body.

Winston Churchill

No one can ride on the back of a man
unless it is bent.

Mahatma Gandhi

Your work is going to fill a large part of your life,
and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do
what you believe is great work. And
the only way to do great work
is to love what you do.

Steve Jobs

My hunger is not for success,
it is for excellence.

Mike Krzyzewski

The worst thing that we can do as women
is not stand up for each other, and this is
something we can practice every day,
no matter where we are and what we do
women sticking up for other women,
choosing to protect and celebrate each other
instead of competing or critizing each other.

Amal Clooney