Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Turkey❣️- Let's Do Better 🦃

Respect life and life will respect you.
Love life and love will shower blessings on you.


Animals are my friends...
and I don't eat my friends.

Bernard Shaw

Our prime purpose in this life is to help
others. And if you can't help them,
at least don't hurt them.

Dalai Lama

When we look at the world through another
animal's eyes, we see that inside we're all
the same - and that we all deserve
to live free from suffering.

Joaquin Phoenix

The greater your capacity for love,
the more beauty you find in the world.

Jane Smiley

The beauty you see in me

is a reflection of you.


Now I can look at you in peace;
I don't eat you anymore.

Franz Kafka

Do the best you can until you know better.
Then when you know better, do better.

Maya Angelou

Ethics is nothing else than reverence for life.
Albert Schweitzer

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