Friday, January 17, 2025

🌱 The Vegan Community 🌻

People working together in a strong community
with a shared goal and a common purpose
can make the impossible possible.

Tom Vilsack

If you think we can't change the world,
it just means you're not one of those who will.

Jacque Fresco

The time will come when men such as I
will look upon the murder of animals
as they now look upon the murder of men.

Leonardo da Vinci

Think about what your skills are, and what you
enjoy doing, or what you're good at and
employ those specific skills to make
the world a better place.

Jo-Anne McArthur

Pursue some path, however narrow and crooked,
in which you can walk with love and reverence.

Henry David Thoreau

I am of the opinion that my life belongs to
the whole community and as long as I live,
it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can.

George Bernard Shaw

The key is to keep company only with people who
uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best.


All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as self-evident.

Arthur Schopenhauer

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,
committed citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

Margaret Mead

A man can live and be healthy without killing
animals for food; therefore, if he eats meat,
he participates in taking life merely
for the sake of his appetite.
And to act so is immoral.

Leo Tolstoy

Good people are those who love animals.
Keanu Reeves

You meet saints everywhere.
They are people behaving decently
in an indecent society.

Kurt Vonnegut

We can judge the heart of a man
by his treatment of animals.

Immanuel Kant

The thing that's annoying about there suddenly
being a lot of vegans is the nagging suspicion
that they might be right.

David Mitchell

You can judge a man's true character by
the way he treats his fellow animals.

Paul McCartney

I'm so proud to be a vegan.
It's the best decision I have ever made.
For my health and for the world and
for the sake of decency and compassion.

Paul Wesley

Being vegan helped me realize I can say and do
what I believe is right. That's powerful.

Alicia Silverstone

Truth has to be repeated constantly,
because Error also is being preached all the time,
and not just by a few, but by the multitude. In
the Press, Encyclopaedias, in Schools and
Universities, everywhere Error holds sway,
feeling happy and comfortable in
the knowledge of having Majority on its side.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

We are all victims of the violence that animals
suffer... their liberation is also our liberation.

George Bernard Shaw

My awareness of belonging to the invisible
community of those who strive for truth,
beauty and justice has prevented me
from feelings of isolation.

Albert Einstein

My life is my message.
Mahatma Gandhi

We are only as strong as we are united,
as weak as we are divided.

J.K. Rowling

The day the power of love overrules the love
of power, the world will know peace.

Mahatma Gandhi

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