Monday, June 3, 2024

Mean Girls

Most people abuse power.
They use power to dominate others.
They use power to destroy others.
Ultimately, when you do this, you lose it.

Frederick Lenz

People seem good while they are oppressed,
but they only wish to become oppressors in
their turn: life is nothing but a competition
to be the criminal rather than the victim.

Bertrand Russell

The greatest evil perpetrated is the evil
committed by nobodies, that is, by
human beings who refuse to be persons.

Hannah Arendt

Power is never the property of an individual;
it belongs to a group and remains in existence
only so long as the group keeps together.

Hannah Arendt

The individual has always had to struggle
to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
If you try it, you will be lonely often,
and sometimes frightened. But no price
is too high to pay for the privilege
of owning yourself.

Rudyard Kipling

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