Monday, September 30, 2024

What's Wrong With Wool? 🐏

To be vegan is to disagree with cruelty.
Isaac Bashevis Singer

If one person is unkind to an animal
it is considered to be cruelty,
but if a lot of people are unkind to animals
(especially in the name of profit)
the cruelty is condoned and will be defended
by otherwise intelligent people.

Ruth Harrison

Veganism is not a diet.
It is a rejection of violence.

Marlana Mazmanian McCliman

Men are the devils of the earth,
and the animals are its tormented souls.

Arthur Schopenhaur

If God condones what we do to animals
- then what does the Devil do?

Gary Yourofsky

Make a habit of two things: to help;
or at least to do no harm.


Being vegan for me is about trying to live
a life where I'm not contributing to
the cruelty in the world.

Jessica Chastain

I am determined not to kill, not to let others kill,
and not to support any act of killing in the world.
We should consume in such a way that helps
to reduce the suffering of living beings.
And that way we can preserve
compassion in our hearts.

Thich Nhat Hanh

The world is not a factory and animals
are not products for our use.

Arthur Schopenhauer

Veganism isn't just about what's on your plate.
Compassion is a lifestyle.

Khaled bin Alwaleed

The Warrior πŸ›‘️

When evil men plot, good men must plan.
When evil men burn and bomb,
good men must build and bind.
When evil men shout ugly words of hatred,
good men must commit themselves
to the glories of love.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Adversity is the trial of principle.
Henry Fielding

You are in danger of living a life so comfortable
and soft, that you will die without ever
realizing your true potential.

David Goggins

How we treat the vulnerable
is how we define ourselves.

Russell Brand

'Never again' is not about what others
shouldn't do to us. It's about what
we shouldn't do to others.

Alex Hershaft

We can forgive the Arabs for killing our
children. We cannot forgive them for
forcing us to kill their children.

Golda Meir

Don't expect justice where might is right.

Whoever fights monsters should see to it that
in the process he does not become a monster.
And if you gaze long enough into an abyss,
the abyss will gaze back into you.

Friedrich Nietzsche

People seem good while they are oppressed,
but they only wish to become oppressors in
their turn: life is nothing but a competition
to be the criminal rather than the victim.

Bertrand Russell

I object to violence because when it appears
to do good, the good is only temporary;
the evil it does is permanent.

Mahatma Gandhi

A gem cannot be polished without friction,
nor a man perfected without trials.


The world hates a Jew who hits back. The world
loves us only when we are to be pitied.
If we have to have a choice between being dead
and pitied, and being alive with a bad image,
we'd rather be alive and have the bad image.

Golda Meir

If the Arabs put down their guns there would be
no more fighting. If the Israelis put down theirs
there would be no more Israel.

Golda Meir

You can kill a man but you can't kill an idea.

Violence brings only temporary victories;
violence, by creating many more social
problems than it solves, never brings
permanent peace.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
Mahatma Gandhi

There is only one thing worse than fighting with
your allies, and that is fighting without them.

Winston Churchill

If you don't stand for something
you will fall for anything.

Malcolm X

It can ruin you life only if it ruins your character.
Marcus Aurelius

Peace will come when the Arabs will love
their children more than they hate us.

Golda Meir

No tribe, howsoever insignificant, and no nation,
howsoever mighty occupies a foot of land
that was not stolen.

Mark Twain

You're only lonely if you're not there for you.
Phil McGraw

Those who tell the stories rule society.

There are many causes I would die for.
There is not a single cause I would kill for.

Mahatma Gandhi

Peace is the only battle worth waging.
Albert Camus

God and Satan alike are essentially human
figures, the one a projection of ourselves,
the other of our enemies.

Bertrand Russell

The propagandaist's purpose is to make
people forget that certain other
sets of people are human.

Aldous Huxley

You always become the thing you fight the most.
Carl Jung

You can chain me, you can torture me,
you can even destroy this body,
but you will never imprison my mind.

Mahatma Gandhi

The man who has no inner life
is a slave to his surroundings.

Henri-FrΓ©dΓ©rik Amiel

The attitude we adopt towards the Palestinian
Arabs provide the real test of our
moral standards as people.

Albert Einstein

When the student is ready the teacher will
appear. When the student is truly ready
the teacher will dissappear.

Lao Tzu

Nothing happens to any man which
he is not formed by nature to bear.

Marcus Aurelius

We are only as strong as we are united,
as weak as we are divided.

J.K. Rowling

At his best, man is the noblest of all animals;
separated from law and justice
he is the worst.


When the rich wage war it's the poor who die.
Jean-Paul Sartre

God grant me the serenity to accept the things
I cannot change, the courage to change
the things I can, and the wisdom
to know the difference.

Reinhold Niebuhr

People are sent to teach you.
If you don't learn you'll keep
making the same mistake.
Learn the lesson and be free.

Mastin Kipp

We don't see things as they are,
we see them as we are.

AnaΓ―s Nin

You were Designed for Influence

The meaning of life is to find your gift.
The purpose of life is to give it away.

Pablo Picasso

The greatest gift you have to give
is that of your own self-transformation.

Lao Tzu

I believe that we are all creative beings and
that you were placed here on this earth
to create something of value to the world.
Something that will help others break free,
something that lights you up with passion
and something that is larger than just you.

Mastin Kipp

The only questions that really matter
are the ones you ask yourself.

Ursula K. Le Guin

Think about what your skills are, and what you
enjoy doing, or what you're good at and
employ those specific skills to make
the world a better place.

Jo-Anne McArthur

Success is not the key to happiness.
Happiness is the key to success.
If you love what you are doing,
you will be successful.

Albert Schweitzer

Recognize that your birth was a response to
the world's requirements, not solely
your own wishes.


Champions are made from something they have
deep inside of them - a desire, a dream, a vision.

Mahatma Gandhi

What you want to ignite in others
must first burn inside yourself.

Charlotte BrontΓ«

The best way to find yourself is to
lose yourself in the service of others.

Mahatma Gandhi

Find out what makes you kinder,
what opens you up and brings out
the most loving, generous,
and unafraid version of you,
and go after those things
as if nothing else matters.

George Saunders

I don't know what your destiny will be,
but one thing I know: the only ones among you
who will be really happy are those
who sought and found how to serve.

Albert Schweitzer

Everything that's happened in your life
up until now has been preparing you to live
your purpose. These have been lessons and now
it's your time to step into your purpose and make
your mark. You are stronger than your
circumstances and what other people say.
There is something within you that is
only yours to give. Give us all you've got.

Mastin Kipp

Sunday, September 29, 2024

From Trauma To Triumph

Your wounds lead you to your purpose.
Mastin Kipp

It can ruin you life only if it ruins your character.
Marcus Aurelius

Sometimes the only way we can survive our own
memories is to shape them into a story
that makes sense out of events
that seem inexplicable.

Yeonmi Park

We can't learn without pain.

Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet.
Only through experience of trial and suffering
can the soul be strenghtened, ambition
inspired, and success achieved.

Helen Keller

Given the choice between the experience of pain
and nothing, I would choose pain.

William Faulkner

Recognize that your birth was a response to
the world's requirements, not solely
your own wishes.


Don't lose faith. Promise yourself that you will
be a success story, and I promise you that all
the forces of the universe will unite to come
to your aid; you might not feel today or
for a while, but the longer you wait
the bigger the prize.

George Bernard Shaw

The purpose of life is not to be happy.
It is to be useful, to be honorable,
to be compassionate, to have it make some
difference that you have lived and lived well.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

We should try to be parents of our future
rather than the offspring of our past.

Miguel de Unamuno

What is to give light must endure burning.
Viktor Frankl

Success, like happiness, cannot be pursued;
it must ensue, and it only does so as the side
effect of one's personal dedication to a cause
greater than oneself.

Viktor Frankl

There are ships sailing to many ports,
but not a single one goes where
life is not painful.

Fernando Pessoa

The wound is the place
where the light enters you.


Eventually, you will come to understand that
love heals everything and love is all there is.

Gary Zukav

May our broken hearts fuel us to fix our world.
Cleo Wade

StΓ₯ stilla i smΓ€rtan
rotad i det som Γ€r ljus i dig.
LΓ₯t svΓ€rdet gΓ₯ genom dig.
Kanske det inte alls Γ€r ett svΓ€rd.
Kanske det Γ€r en stΓ€mgaffel.
Du blir en ton.
Du blir den musik du alltid
lΓ€ngtat efter att fΓ₯ hΓΆra.
Du visste inte att du var en sΓ₯ng.

Ylva Eggehorn

Friday, September 27, 2024

Awaken to Your Destiny

You are not a drop in the ocean;
You are the entire ocean in a drop.


The universe experiences itself through you
for a brief moment called life.

Eckhart Tolle

Pursuing self-esteem can be motivating,
but other sources of motivation, such as
goals that are good for the self and others,
can provide the same motivation
without the costs.

Jennifer Crocker & Lora Park

Nothing is more important than empathy
for another being's suffering. We have to
feel for one another if we're going
to survive with dignity.

Audrey Hepburn

Jo Frederiks

I sometimes try to imagine what would have
happened if we'd known the bonobo first
and the chimpanzee only later - or not at all.
The discussion about human evolution might not
revolve as much around violence, warfare and
male dominance, but rather around sexuality,
empathy, caring and cooperation.

Frans de Waal

I believe that we are all creative beings and
that you were placed here on this earth
to create something of value to the world.
Something that will help others break free,
something that lights you up with passion and
something that is larger than just you.

Mastin Kipp

Service to others is the rent you pay
for your room here on earth.

Muhammad Ali

The meaning of life is to find your gift.
The purpose of life is to give it away.

Pablo Picasso

Life's most important and urgent question is:
what are you doing for others?

Martin Luther King, Jr.

If you want to live a happy life,
tie it to a goal, not to people or objects.

Albert Einstein

Culture eats strategy for breakfast.
Peter Drucker

The really important kind of freedom involves
attention, and awareness, and discipline, and
effort, and being able truly to care about other
people and to sacrifice for them, over and over,
in myriad petty little unsexy ways, every day.

David Foster Wallace

We live in a world where funerals are more
important than the deceased, marriage is more
important than love, looks are more important
than the soul. We live in a packaging
culture that despise content.

Sir Anthony Hopkins

Everything that's happened in your life
up until now has been preparing you
to live your purpose. These have been lessons
and now it's your time to step into your purpose
and make your mark. You are stronger than
your circumstances and what other people say.
There is something within you that is only
yours to give. Give us all you've got.

Mastin Kipp

Thursday, September 26, 2024

🌱 The Vegan Community 🌻

People working together in a strong community
with a shared goal and a common purpose
can make the impossible possible.

Tom Vilsack

If you think we can't change the world,
it just means you're not one of those who will.

Jacque Fresco

The time will come when men such as I
will look upon the murder of animals
as they now look upon the murder of men.

Leonardo da Vinci

Think about what your skills are, and what you
enjoy doing, or what you're good at and
employ those specific skills to make
the world a better place.

Jo-Anne McArthur

Pursue some path, however narrow and crooked,
in which you can walk with love and reverence.

Henry David Thoreau

I am of the opinion that my life belongs to
the whole community and as long as I live,
it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can.

George Bernard Shaw

The key is to keep company only with people who
uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best.


All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as self-evident.

Arthur Schopenhauer

A man can live and be healthy without killing
animals for food; therefore, if he eats meat,
he participates in taking life merely
for the sake of his appetite.
And to act so is immoral.

Leo Tolstoy

Power springs up between men
when they act together and
vanishes the moment they disperse.

Hannah Arendt

Good people are those who love animals.
Keanu Reeves

You meet saints everywhere.
They are people behaving decently
in an indecent society.

Kurt Vonnegut

We can judge the heart of a man
by his treatment of animals.

Immanuel Kant

You can judge a man's true character by
the way he treats his fellow animals.

Paul McCartney

Being vegan helped me realize I can say and do
what I believe is right. That's powerful.

Alicia Silverstone

Truth has to be repeated constantly,
because Error also is being preached all the time,
and not just by a few, but by the multitude. In
the Press, Encyclopaedias, in Schools and
Universities, everywhere Error holds sway,
feeling happy and comfortable in
the knowledge of having Majority on its side.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

We are all victims of the violence that animals
suffer... their liberation is also our liberation.

George Bernard Shaw

My awareness of belonging to the invisible
community of those who strive for truth,
beauty and justice has prevented me
from feelings of isolation.

Albert Einstein

We are only as strong as we are united,
as weak as we are divided.

J.K. Rowling

We must stand together; if we don't,
there will be no victory for any one of us.

Mary Harris Jones

Speciesism is like racism, sexism and
homophobia: it involves using
morally irrelevant criterion to block
membership in the moral community.

Gary L. Francione

If you have men who will exclude any of God's
creatures from the shelter of compassion,
you will have men who will deal likewise
with their fellow men.

St. Francis of Assisi

Make a habit of two things -
to help, or at least, to do no harm.


Jo Frederiks

The day the power of love overrules the love
of power, the world will know peace.

Mahatma Gandhi