Friday, January 17, 2025

🌱 The Vegan Community 🌻

People working together in a strong community
with a shared goal and a common purpose
can make the impossible possible.

Tom Vilsack

If you think we can't change the world,
it just means you're not one of those who will.

Jacque Fresco

The time will come when men such as I
will look upon the murder of animals
as they now look upon the murder of men.

Leonardo da Vinci

Think about what your skills are, and what you
enjoy doing, or what you're good at and
employ those specific skills to make
the world a better place.

Jo-Anne McArthur

Pursue some path, however narrow and crooked,
in which you can walk with love and reverence.

Henry David Thoreau

I am of the opinion that my life belongs to
the whole community and as long as I live,
it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can.

George Bernard Shaw

The key is to keep company only with people who
uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best.


All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as self-evident.

Arthur Schopenhauer

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,
committed citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

Margaret Mead

A man can live and be healthy without killing
animals for food; therefore, if he eats meat,
he participates in taking life merely
for the sake of his appetite.
And to act so is immoral.

Leo Tolstoy

Good people are those who love animals.
Keanu Reeves

You meet saints everywhere.
They are people behaving decently
in an indecent society.

Kurt Vonnegut

We can judge the heart of a man
by his treatment of animals.

Immanuel Kant

The thing that's annoying about there suddenly
being a lot of vegans is the nagging suspicion
that they might be right.

David Mitchell

You can judge a man's true character by
the way he treats his fellow animals.

Paul McCartney

I'm so proud to be a vegan.
It's the best decision I have ever made.
For my health and for the world and
for the sake of decency and compassion.

Paul Wesley

Being vegan helped me realize I can say and do
what I believe is right. That's powerful.

Alicia Silverstone

Truth has to be repeated constantly,
because Error also is being preached all the time,
and not just by a few, but by the multitude. In
the Press, Encyclopaedias, in Schools and
Universities, everywhere Error holds sway,
feeling happy and comfortable in
the knowledge of having Majority on its side.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

We are all victims of the violence that animals
suffer... their liberation is also our liberation.

George Bernard Shaw

My awareness of belonging to the invisible
community of those who strive for truth,
beauty and justice has prevented me
from feelings of isolation.

Albert Einstein

My life is my message.
Mahatma Gandhi

We are only as strong as we are united,
as weak as we are divided.

J.K. Rowling

The day the power of love overrules the love
of power, the world will know peace.

Mahatma Gandhi


To be sensual, I think, is to respect and rejoice
in the force of life itself and to be present in
all that one does, from the effort of loving
to the breaking of bread.

James Baldwin

Body language is more powerful than words.
Ricky Gervais

The femme fatale expresses woman's ancient
and eternal control of the sexual realm.
The specter of the femme fatale stalks
all of men's relationships with women.

Camille Paglia

Tell me what you love,
and I will tell you who you are.

Arsene Houssaye

Eroticism is first and foremost
a thirst for otherness.

Octavio Paz

The secret of being a bore is to tell everything.

Too much circulation makes the price go down.
Robert Greene

1. Confidence.
2. Elegance.
3. Femininity.

Familiarity breeds contempt.
Geoffrey Chaucher

Act the way you'd like to be and soon
you'll be the way you act.

Leonard Cohen

Every saint has a past,
and every sinner has a future.

Oscar Wilde

To play a wrong note is insignificant.
To play without passion is inexcusable.

Ludwig van Beethoven

Everything in the world is about sex
except sex. Sex is about power.

Oscar Wilde

People should be more like animals... they
should be more intuitive; they should not
be too conscious of what they do
while they do it.

Albert Einstein

You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world,
and there's still going to be somebody
who hates peaches.

Dita Von Teese

Thursday, January 16, 2025

🐮Not Your Mother - Not Your Milk

We're taught as children that milk
comes from cows when in reality,
milk comes from mothers.

Preacher Lawson

Jo Frederiks

It is my firm conviction that man need take
no milk at all, beyond the mother's
milk that he takes as a baby.

Mahatma Gandhi

The animals you eat are not those who devour
others; you do not eat the carnivorous beasts,
you take them as your pattern. You only
hunger for the sweet and gentle creatures
which harm no one, which follow you,
serve you, and are devoured by you
as the reward of their service.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Man is as much a parasite on the cow
as the tapeworm is on man.

Milan Kundera

We know things about her that no one should
ever know, or want to know, about a fellow
being... the taste, texture and flavor of every
aspect of her despair, degradation and defeat.

We know every detail of what we have forced
her to be - an object to consume and excrete.
What we don't know, what we don't want to
know, is what we must know if we are
to restore our own humanity: who she is.

Joanna Lucas

Man has made the Earth a hell for animals.
Arthur Schopenhauer

The dairy industry tried to convince you
for 20 years that milk was good for you.
It's a lie, but they tried anyway.

Steve Jobs

Whiteness rests upon a foundational premise:
the definition of white as the norm or standard
for human, and people of color
as the deviation from that norm.

Robin DiAngelo

Humans are the only animals that drink
the milk of the mother of another species.
All other animals stop drinking milk
altogether after weaning.

Michael Klaper

Thou never didst them wrong, nor no man
wrong; And as the butcher takes away the calf
And binds the wretch, and beats him when he
strays, Bearing him to the bloody slaughter-
house, Even so remorseless have they borne him
hence; And as the dam runs lowing up and
down, Looking the way her harmless young
went, And can do nought but wail
her darling's loss.

William Shakespeare

A mother's love does not derive from
the intellect but from the emotions,
in animals just as in humans.


We're exploiting female bodies and abusing
the magic of female animals to create milk.

Nathalie Portman

Being vegetarian here also means that we do not
consume dairy and egg products, because they
are products of the meat industry. If we stop
consuming, they will stop producing. Only
collective awakening can create enough
determination for action.

Thich Nhat Hanh

Cows are amongst the gentlest of breathing
creatures; none show more passionate
tenderness to their young when deprived
of them; and, in short, I am not ashamed
to profess a deep love for these quiet creatures.

Thomas de Quincey

The Art of Conversation

Nature has given us two ears, two eyes
and but one tongue to the end that we should
hear and see more than we speak.


Every word has consequences.
Every silence, too.

Jean-Paul Sartre

- Speak softly.
- Don't raise your voice. But don't speak too quietly.
- Speak at a medium pace.
- Listen more than you speak. Don't share too much private information.
- Make eye contact. Smile. Use your eyes and body language.
- Don't interrupt others.
- Give people your undivided attention.
- Don't curse.
- Don't use words you don't know how to pronounce.
- Read.
- Study women who you want to be like. Do research the same way an actor does to build a character.

Information is giving out;
communication is getting through.

Sydney J. Harris

Change happens by listening and then
starting a dialogue with the people who are
doing something you don't believe is right.

Jane Goodall

Love your enemies, for they tell you you faults.
Benjamin Franklin

One of the most sincere forms of respect is
actually listening to what another has to say.

Bryant H. McGill

People are taught how to speak,
but their major concern
should be how to keep silent.

Leo Tolstoy

1. Your plans. Move in silence.
2. Your finances.
3. Your love life.
4. Someone else's confidential information (malicious gossip).
5. Your drama.
6. Your controversial views (religion, politics, social taboos).
7. Your good deeds.

Three can keep a secret,
if two of them are dead.

Benjamin Franklin

It is better to be king of your silence
than a slave of your words.

William Shakespeare

A fool is known by his speech;
and a wise man by silence.


Wise men speak because they have something
to say; fools because they have to say something.


Strong minds discuss ideas,
average minds discuss events,
weak minds discuss people.


If you propose to speak always ask yourself,
is it true, is it necessary, is it kind.


I don't want easy. Easy doesn't make you grow.
Easy doesn't make you think.


The more you discipline yourself,
the less you will be disciplined by others.

Napoleon Hill

The first step in a fascist movement is
the combination... of a number of men who
possess more than the average share of leisure,
brutality and stupidity. The next step is
to fascinate fools and muzzle the intelligent,
by emotional excitement on the one hand
and terrorism on the other.

Bertrand Russell

Think before you speak, read before you think.
Fran Lebowitz

He who speaks, sows. He who listens, collect.

Speak only if it improves upon the silence.
Mahatma Gandhi

The trouble with the world is that the stupid are
cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.

Bertrand Russell

I'm not entitled to have an opinion unless
I can state the arguments against my position
better than the people who are in opposition.
I am qualified to speak only when
I've reached that state.

Charlie Munger

Opinion is really the lowest form of human
knowledge. It requires no accountability, no
understanding. The highest form of knowledge
is empathy, for it requires us to suspend
our egos and live in another's world.

Bill Bullard

1. Jokes about something that is true and sensitive.
2. Jokes with your opinions that are not positive.
3. Sarcasm that goes too far (if the person does not understand that you're being sarcastic). 
4. Jokes about stereotypes (racial/stereotypes/sexist/groups of people).
5. Vulgar jokes (sexist/sex/toilet humor/swearing).
6. Self-deprecating humor.
7. A badly told joke (storytelling - how the build-up process works. Work with pauses).

Nothing shows a man's character
more than what he laughs at.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

You can tell more about a person by what
he says about others than you can by
what others say about him.

Audrey Hepburn

If you think your belief is based upon reason,
you will support it by argument rather than
by persecution, and will abandon it if
the argument goes against you.
But if your belief is based upon faith,
you will realize that argument is useless,
and will therefore resort to force.

Bertrand Russell

Words are the clothes thoughts wear.
Samuel Becket

Listen with the intent to understand,
not the intent to reply.

Stephen Covey

There is an almost universal tendency, to suspect
the good faith of a man who holds opinions
that differ from our own opinions. It obviously
endangers the freedom and objectivity of our
discussion if we attack a person instead of
attacking an opinion, or more precisely, a theory.

Karl Popper

My point is not that religion itself is
the motivation for wars, murders and terrorist
attacks, but that religion is the principal label,
and the most dangerous one, by which a 'they'
as opposed to a 'we' can be identified at all.

Richard Dawkins

Intelligence is measured by a person's
ability to see validity within both sides
of contradicting arguments.

F. Scott Fitzgerald

No people have risen who thought only of rights.
Only those did so who thought of duties.

Mahatma Gandhi

Darkness cannot drive out darkness;
only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate,
only love can do that.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

People will forget what you said,
people will forget what you did, but
people will never forget how you made dem feel.

Maya Angelou

In order for the truth to be heard, it must
be spoken with love. No matter how wise
and true a spoken word will not be conveyed
to someone if it's spoken in anger.

Leo Tolstoy

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Right to Rescue

Never, never be afraid to do what's right,
especially if the well-being of person
or animal is at stake. Society's punishments
are small compared to the wounds we inflict
on our soul when we look the other way.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Atrocities are not less atrocities when they occur
in laboratories and are called medical research.

George Bernard Shaw

I abhor vivisection with my whole soul. All
the scientific discoveries stained with innocent
blood I count as of no consequence.

Mahatma Gandhi

Run to the rescue with love and peace will follow.
River Phoenix

Vivisection is a social evil because if it
advances human knowledge, it does so
at the expense of human character.

George Bernard Shaw

Whether we exploit animals to eat, wear, to
entertain us, or to learn, the truth of animal
rights requires empty cages, not larger cages.

Tom Regan

Mercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent.
Adam Smith

One has a moral responsibility
to disobey unjust laws.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

The day may come when the rest of the animal
creation acquire those rights which never
could have been withholden from them
but by the hand of tyranny.

Jeremy Bentham

An unjust law is itself a species of violence.
Arrest for its breach is more so.

Mahatma Gandhi

Be the change you want to see in the world.
Mahatma Gandhi

The problem is that humans have
victimized animals to such a degree
that they are not even considered victims.
They are not considered at all.

Gary Yourofsky

If possessing a higher degree of intelligence
does not entitle one human to use another
for his or her own ends, how can it entitle
humans to exploit non-humans?

Peter Singer

I have seen firsthand how injustice
gets overlooked when the victims are
powerless or vulnerable, when they have
no one to speak up for them and no means of
representing themselves to higher authority.
Animals are in precisely that position.
Unless we speak out on their behalf,
abuse and cruelty goes unchallenged.

Desmond Tutu

A basic fact about nonviolent resistence is
that it is based on the conviction that
the universe is on the side of justice.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

There can be no doubt as to which side is right
and which side is wrong, for compassionate
defense of life is a force of good and sadistic
mass destruction of life is a force for evil.

Paul Watson

We are all victims of the violence that animals
suffer... their liberation is also our liberation.

George Bernard Shaw

Why should the law refuse its protection to any
sensitive being? The time will come when
humanity will extend its mantle
over everyone who breathes.

Jeremy Bentham

There is no fundamental difference between man
and animals in their ability to feel pleasure
and pain, happiness and misery.

Charles Darwin