Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Reset Your Life πŸ¦‹

Sow a thought and you reap an action;
sow an act and you reap a habit;
sow a habit and you reap a character;
sow a character and you reap a destiny.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

1. Express gratitude.
2. Reflect.
3. Clean.
4. Set SMART goals: Specific. Measurable. Attainable. Relevant. Time-based.
4.1 Relationships.
4.2 Health. 
4.3 Career.
4.4 Finance.
4.5 Personal growth.

1. Define your goals - what do you want to achieve?
2. Scrutinize yourself - what do you need to improve?
3. Create a financial strategy for yourself.
4. Educate yourself - courses, books, role models, communities.
5. Take action - what can you do today that will benefit your journey? Accustom your lifestyle towards your goals.

- Physical clutter.
- Closet.
- Paper clutter.
- Digital clutter.
- Mental clutter.

1. Stack your habits.
2. Prioritize experiences over material things.
3. The 5 second rule. Take action.
4. Plant-based food.
5. Invest in good sleep.
6. Get to know yourself. Try new things. Get out of your comfort zone.
7. Choose the decision that makes you happy.
8. Use social media for inspiration.
9. Just go for it.
10. Set intentions, not just goals.

1. Let go of narratives that no longer serve you.
2. Set one-word intentions.
3. Design a purposeful environment.
4. Focus on creating systems, instead of goals.
5. Practice daily reset.

- Fill your buckets: Contribution. Connection. Vitality.
- Look put together.
- Learn something new.
- Take a different route.
- Revisit your purpose.

1. Explore your own backyard.
2. Celebrate your wins.
3. Start investing.
4. Assess your relationships.
5. Recreate favorite restaurant recipes.
6. Let go of perfectionism.
7. Quit fast fashion.
8. Keep an inspiration list.

1. Embrace change.

2. Commit to your appearance.
- Go through your closet and throw away/donate anything that you do not feel beautiful in. Figure out your personal style and build your new wardrobe.
- Look your best every single day. Get creative with your makeup, style, hair, the way that you walk. Everything is art.

3. Give yourself the gift of time.
- Wake up at 4 or 5 A.M.
- Journal. Write down your goals. Find a book in each category and educate yourself.

4. Find a mentor.
- Research and learn from others.

5. Positive affirmations.
- Recreate your programming.

Successful people never stop acquiring specialized
knowledge related to their major purpose.

Napoleon Hill

Knowledge is not enough; we must apply.
Being willing is not enough; we must do.

Leonardo da Vinci

If you look closely enough, you will see
how supported you are.
Everything you need is at your fingertips.

Mastin Kipp

Monday, December 30, 2024


Simplify your life, for in doing so, you make
room for clarity and purpose. By removing
anything unnecessary, you create space for
what truly matters.


Truth, like gold, is to be obtained
not by its growth, but by washing away
from it all that is not gold.

Leo Tolstoy

1. Work (essentialism)
2. Personal finances (awareness, goals)
3. Time (daily routines)
4. Possessions (declutter)
5. Meals (plan)
6. Screen time (limit)
7. Relationships (evaluate, decrease)
8. Mental habits (journal, exercise)

Essentialism is not about how to get more things
done. It's about how to get the right things done.
It is about making the wisest possible investment
of your time and energy in order to operate
at our highest point of contribution
by doing only what is essential.

Greg McKeown

1. Set upp barriers.
2. 30 day detox.
3. Re-evaluate your priorities.

Digital minimalism is a philosophy
of technology use in which you focus
your online time on a small number of
carefully selected and optimized activites that
strongly support things you value and then
happily miss out on everything else.

Cal Newport

1. Coffee filters
2. Bottled water
3. Kitchen appliances
4. Plates, mugs and silverware
5. Plastic bags
6. Books
7. Stationary goods
8. Cleaning supplies
9. Single use items
10. Home decor
11. Seasonal decorations
12. Television
13. Technology
14. Pet toys
15. Fashion accessories
16. Jewelry
17. Fast fashion
18. Cocktails/beverages
19. Souvenirs
20. Things I can't afford

1. High maintenance plants
2. Gifts
3. Kindle
4. Cheese board
5. Supplements
6. Cheap kitchen tools
7. Perfume
8. Glass containers/canisters
9. "What if"-/"Maybe"-clothes
10. High heels

1. A bigger home.
2. First class seats.
3. Salon visits.
4. High-end designer clothes.
5. Latest gadgets.
6. Fine dining.
7. Resorts.
8. Car upgrades.
9. Delivery services.
10. Full-priced items.

We're in the business of selling pleasure.
We don't sell handbags or haute couture.
We sell dreams.

Alain Wertheimer

- Opportunity cost (when you choose something, you give up something else).
- Research. Buy vegan & cruelty-free products. Support ethical companies.
- Wish list.
- Test of time.
- Use what you have.

Every time you spend money you're casting
a vote for the kind of world you want.

Anna LappΓ©

How to prepare
- Study your habits.
- Know your purpose.
- Remove temptations.
- How will you measure progress?

- Check ethical brands, local businesses, thrift first!
- Investments are OK.

It is our choice of good or evil that determines
our character, not our opinion about good or evil.


Each one of us makes a difference every day
by the choices we make. When billions start
making ethical decisions, we can put
the world on the right track.

Jane Goodall

Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing
more to add, but when there is nothing
more to take away.

Antoine de Saint-ExupΓ©ry

1. Other people's validation.
2. Things that don't align with who I am.
3. Scarcity mindset.
4. Attachment to the past.
5. Fillers of life.

- Get clear about what YOU want and why?
- Narrow your focus.
- Create a strong support system.
- Eliminate and simplify based on your values.
- Let go of control and expectations.

- Reset your shopping habit.
- Simplify. Perfect the basics.
- Practice gratitude.

1. You have a clutter-free home.
2. You are good at prioritizing.
3. You have boundaries.
4. You are not influenced by marketing.
5. You don't compare your life to others.
6. You spend on meaningful purchases.
7. You don't rely on material things for happiness.
8. You feel like you're in control of your life.

Most of what we say and do is not essential.
If you can eliminate it, you'll have more time,
and more tranquility. Ask yourself at every
moment, 'Is this necessary?'

Marcus Aurelius

- Start with your physical space.
- What is your version of a 'simple life'?
- How will you redirect your resources?
- What are the habits and mindset to sustain this lifestyle?
- What can you control vs. let go?

Be a curator of your life. Slowly cut things out
until you're left only with what you love,
with what's necessary, with what
makes you happy.

Leo Bababuta

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Be Love πŸ’ž

Chase love and it will elude you.
Be love and it will surround you.

Attachment is the very opposite of love.
Love says, 'I want you to be happy.'
Attachment says, 'I want you
to make me happy.'

Tenzin Palmo

The root of suffering is attachment.

1. Develop yourself.
2. Be still.
3. Femininity.

Boredom - the desire for desires.
Leo Tolstoy

We don't stop playing because we grow old;
we grow old because we stop playing.

George Bernard Shaw

1. Focus on the energy and not the action.
2. Speak with love, kindness and positive energy.
3. Flirt with him.
4. Put effort in looking good.
5. Allow him to pour into you.
6. Show appreciation.
7. Laugh with him.

- Confidence.
- Positive & feminine energy.
- Desire.
- Respect.
- Communication skills.
- Being open & receptive.
- Being encouraging - smile!
- Persuade, don't dictate.
- Take care of yourself.
- Being attentive & considerate.
- Being light-hearted and having a sense of humour.
- Being willing to listen & learn.
- Being selective.
- Followership.

1. Be his peace.
2. Speak love.
3. Find his needs.
4. Take care of yourself.
5. Listen.
6. Create your own world.
7. Balance the relationship.
8. Give consequences & rewards.
9. Be willing to walk away.

When we love, we always strive to become
better than we are. When we strive to
become better than we are, everything
around us becomes better too.

Paulo Coelho

1. Listen to understand, not to give a rebuttal.
2. Disagree but don't dismiss.
3. Be open and honest.
4. Don't make the conversation all about yourself.
5. Be willing to compromise.
6. Pay attention to both words and body language.
7. A loving and positive approach when expressing yourself.

1. To dictate the energy and not to react to it.
2. Speak to uplift and not to destroy.
3. Learn his desires and fulfil them.
4. Flow with - not against - him.
5. Let no man disrespect him through you.

1. Having emotional intelligence.
2. Being clear and specific.
3. Loving catering to others.
4. Wanting to look good.
5. Being fair and taking personal accountability.

When you hurt people, they begin to love
you less. That's what careless words do.
They make people love you a little less.

Arundhati Roy

1. Playing games.
2. Being entitled.
3. Being selfish.
4. Being insecure.
5. Bad attitude.
6. Being difficult.
7. Being controlling.
8. Too independent.
9. Not showing enough interest.

Everything you say should be true,
but not everything true should be said.


1. Overly independent.
2. Too negative.
3. Not listening.
4. Sexual neglect.
5. Friends and family.
6. Lack of appreciation.
7. Letting yourself go.

You can't help what you feel,
but you can help how you behave.

Margaret Atwood

1. Playing hard to get.
2. Being entitled and acting like a spoiled brat.
3. Speaking to him in a rude or negative manner.
4. Playing the victim.
5. Expecting him to read your mind.
6. How you handle your social media.
7. Playing dumb.

It takes years to build up,
it takes moments to destroy.

Haruki Murakami

1. Greet with love.
2. Understand how and when to communicate.
3. Be attentive and aware.
4. Exude positive energy.
5. Show appreciation.
6. Listen and be willing to take guidance.
7. Pour into him sexually.

1. Reward good behaviour.
2. Show that you believe in him.
3. Make him a priority.
4. Compliment him and show him desire.
5. Initiate the intimacy.

Action expresses priorities.
Mahatma Gandhi

We all know that a good example
is better than advice.

Anne Frank

The seed you plant in love,
will grow into a mighty tree of refuge.

Afeni Shakur

- Physical affection.
- Respect & Gratitude.
- Don't compare him to other men. Avoid criticism. Don't embarrass him or make fun of him, especially not his masculine traits.
- Bad company corrupts good character.
- Follow through.
- Respect his privacy. Keep your conversations private.
- Emotional regulation.
- Be understanding. Pick your battles.
- Take care of yourself. Journal, read, walk, exercise.

1. Look attractive.
2. Have a mood he can rely on.
3. Give him freedom.
4. Admire him.
5. Accept him.

People grow when they are loved well.
If you want to help others heal,
love them without an agenda.

Mike McHargue

Manifesting & Receiving

Believing involves thinking, talking and acting
as though you have already received.

Mastin Kipp

You become what you give your attention to.

Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues,
but the parent of all others.


What you think you become.
What you feel you attract.
What you imagine you create.


1. Be inspired by others instead of being jealous.
2. Gratitude is second only to love.
3. Visualize what you want and that you already have it. Make it a practice.
4. Be a good person who deserves to get what you want.

The safest way to get what you want
is to deserve what you want.

Charlie T. Munger

Great minds have purposes;
others have wishes.

Washington Irving

If you hold an anti-war rally, I shall not attend.
But if you hold a Pro-Peace rally invite me.

Mother Teresa

Whoever gives nothing, has nothing.
The greatest misfortune is not to be unloved,
but not to love.

Albert Camus

He who is not contended with what he has,
would not be contended with what
he would like to have.


Life is an echo.
What you send out, comes back.
What you sow, you reap.
What you give, you get.
What you see in others, exists in you.
Remember, life is an echo.
It always gets back to you.
So give goodness.

Zig Ziglar

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Wokism & Infighting

The task is not, so much to see what no one
has seen yet; but to think what nobody has 
thought yet, about that which everybody sees.

Arthur Schopenhauer

If you have men who will exclude any of God's
creatures from the shelter of compassion,
you will have men who will deal
 likewise with their fellow men.

St. Francis of Assisi

Speciesism is like racism, sexism and
homophobia: it involves using morally
irrelevant criterion to block membership
in the moral community.

Gary L. Francione

It is not an act of kindness to treat animals
respectfully. It is an act of justice.

Tom Regan

My own view is that being vegan is not an end
in itself, but a means towards reducing both
human and animal suffering and leaving a
habitable planet to future generations.

Peter Singer

Injustice anywhere is a threat
to justice everywhere.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Freedom, human rights, tolerance, peace
and prosperity are like the eternal flame
that must be guarded, nurtured and never,
ever taken for granted.

Konstantin Kisin

Love your enemies, for they tell you your faults.
Benjamin Franklin

I'm not entitled to have an opinion unless
I can state the arguments against my position
better than the people who are in opposition.
I am qualified to speak only when
I've reached that state.

Charlie Munger

When you see a good man, try to emulate
his example, and when you see a bad man,
search yourself for his faults.


People who say things like "I can't worry
about animals when there are humans
who need help" tend to do f*ck all
to help humans neither...
Kindness is kindness. Simple as that.

Ricky Gervais

The ultimate measure of a man is not
where he stands in moment of comfort
and convenience, but where he stands
at times of challenge and controversy.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

There is only one thing worse than fighting with
your allies, and that is fighting without them.

Winston Churchill

Evil people always support each other;
that is their chief strength.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Those who love peace must learn to organize
as effectively as those who love war.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

When bad men combine, the good must
associate; else they will fall one by one.

Edmund Burke

Who We Really Are

The whole universe is sum up in the human
being. Devil is not a monster waiting to
trap us. He is a voice inside. Look for your
devil in yourself, not in the others. Don't
forget that the one who knows his devil,
knows his God.

Shams Tabrizi

10 percent of any population is cruel,
no matter what, and 10 percent is merciful,
no matter what, and the remaining
80 percent can be moved in any direction.

Susan Sontag

When all are guilty, no one is;
and the very magnitude of the crime
becomes the best excuse for doing nothing.

Hannah Arendt

Tsunami of Indifference

Evil thrives on apathy
and cannot exist without it.

Hannah Arendt

Any of us has the capacity for atrocity - 
just as each of us has the capacity for heroism.

David Mamet

Your beliefs become your thoughts,
your thoughts become your words,
you words become your actions,
your actions become your habits,
your habits become your values,
your values become your destiny.

Mahatma Gandhi

A long habit of not thinking a thing is wrong,
gives it a superficial appearance of being right.

Thomas Paine

Only with awareness of carnism
can we reclaim our freedom of choice;
without awareness, there is no free choice.

Melanie Joy

The indifference, callousness and contempt
that so many people exhibit toward animals
is evil first because it results in great suffering
in animals, and second because it results in
an incalculably great impoverishment
of the human spirit.

Albert Einstein

Often, vegan advocates assume that a person's
defensiveness is the result of selfishness or
apathy, when in fact it is much more likely
the result of systematic and intensive
social conditioning.

Melanie Joy

There are no conditions to which a person cannot
grow accustomed, especially if he sees that
everyone around him lives in the same way.

Leo Tolstoy

Injustice anywhere is a threat
to justice everywhere.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Execution of the Soul

Monsters exist, but they are too few in number
to be truly dangerous. More dangerous
are the common men, the functionaries
ready to believe and to act
without asking questions.

Primo Levi

Whoever does wrong, wrongs himself;
whoever does injustice, does it to himself,
making himself evil.

Marcus Aurelius

The individual has always had to struggle
to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
If you try it, you will be lonely often, and
sometimes frightened. But no price is too high
to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.

Rudyard Kipling

Both optimists and pessimists contributes
to society. The optimist invents the airplane,
the pessimist the parachute.

George Bernard Shaw

Our task must be to free ourselves... by widening

our circle of compassion to embrace all living

creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.

Albert Einstein

The destiny of animals cannot be separated from
the destiny of man, and the destiny of man
cannot be separated from the destiny
of all of nature.

Crisis always brings out the best
and worst in people.

Mohamedou Ould Shlai

Life is no brief candle to me.
It is a sort of splendid torch
which I have got a hold of for the moment and
I want to make it burn as brightly as possible
before handing it on to future generations.

George Bernard Shaw

Friday, December 27, 2024

🌱 Vegan for Life πŸ’š

The stories we tell literally make the world.
If you want to change the world,
you need to change your story.

Michael Margolis

If we begin with ourselves and do the things
that we need to do and become the best person
we can be, we have a much better chance
of changing the world for the better.

Aleksandr Solzjenitsyn

The mind that opens up to a new idea
never returns to its original size.

Albert Einstein

Humans think in stories, and we try to
make sense of the world by telling stories.

Yuval Noah Harari

Storytelling reveals meaning without
committing the error of defining it.

Hannah Arendt

What you do makes a difference, and you have to
decide what kind of difference you want to make.

Jane Goodall

Our task must be to free ourselves... by widening

our circle of compassion to embrace all living

creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.

Albert Einstein

The arc of the moral universe is long,
but it bends towards justice.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

As long as man continues to be the ruthless
destroyer of other living beings he will never
know health or peace. For as long as men
massacre animals, they will kill each other.
Indeed, he who sows the seed of murder
and pain cannot reap joy and love.


I think there is a connection between the way
we treat animals and the way we treat people
who are at the bottom of the hierarchy.

Angela Davis

Progress is impossible without change,
and those who cannot change their minds
cannot change anything.

George Bernard Shaw

We have in fact, two kinds of morality,
side by side: one which we preach,
but do not practice, and other which we
practice, but seldom preach.

Bertrand Russell

I'm opposed to fur and any kind of use of animal
products. I don't eat them, I don't wear them.
I'm not for the killing of any living creature.
Anytime it comes to any kind of animal cruelty,
I'm totally against it.

Bryan Adams

By choosing ourselves, we are creating
an image of what human beings should be.

Jean Paul Sartre

I am of the opinion that my life belongs to
the whole community and as long as I live,
it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can.

George Bernard Shaw

Ethics is nothing else than reverence for life.
Albert Schweitzer

Be the change you want to see in the world.
Mahatma Gandhi

What we call love is in its essence
reverence for life.

Albert Schweitzer

Respect life and life will respect you.
Love life and love will shower blessings on you.


Three times a day I remind myself that
I value life and do not want to
cause pain to or kill others.

Nathalie Portman

Life isn't about finding yourself or finding
anything. Life is about creating
yourself and creating things.

Bob Dylan

I am an artist at living -
my work of art is my life.

D.T. Suzuki

There are two ways through life:
the way of Nature and the way of Grace.
You have to decide which one you'll follow.

Terrence Malick

My life is my message.
Mahatma Gandhi

Let your life be your argument.
Albert Schweitzer

I believe that the reson of life is for
each of us simply to grow in love.

Leo Tolstoy

If we could live happy and healthy lives
without harming others, why wouldn't we?

Pam Ahern

One's life has value so long as one attributes
value to the life of others, by means of love,
friendship, indignation and compassion.

Simone de Beauvoir