Wednesday, January 31, 2024

What's Wrong With Wool? 🐏

To be vegan is to disagree with cruelty.
Isaac Bashevis Singer

If one person is unkind to an animal
it is considered to be cruelty,
but if a lot of people are unkind to animals
(especially in the name of profit)
the cruelty is condoned and will be defended
by otherwise intelligent people.

Ruth Harrison

Veganism is not a diet.
It is a rejection of violence.

Marlana Mazmanian McCliman

Men are the devils of the earth,
and the animals are its tormented souls.

Arthur Schopenhaur

If God condones what we do to animals
- then what does the Devil do?

Gary Yourofsky

Make a habit of two things: to help;
or at least to do no harm.


Being vegan for me is about trying to live
a life where I'm not contributing to
the cruelty in the world.

Jessica Chastain

I am determined not to kill, not to let others kill,
and not to support any act of killing in the world.
We should consume in such a way that helps
to reduce the suffering of living beings.
And that way we can preserve
compassion in our hearts.

Thich Nhat Hanh

The world is not a factory and animals
are not products for our use.

Arthur Schopenhauer

Veganism isn't just about what's on your plate.
Compassion is a lifestyle.

Khaled bin Alwaleed

Monday, January 22, 2024

Attract What You Want by Being What You Want

You attract what you are, not what you want.
Tony Gaskins

Day by day, what you choose, what you think
and what you do is who you become.


Alluring: mysteriously attractive and captivating

Your aura/vibe: Be a pleasure to be around
- Free yourself from bitterness, jealousy, bad thoughts and negativity.
- Confidence: self love.
-  Relax and smile. Be light and welcoming. Bring inspiration, serenity and integrity.

How are you interacting with the world?
What does the world get when they get you?

Value beauty and service in all aspects
Beautify yourself and your environment. Keep your home and office clean and pristine. Surround yourself with fragrances. Have good manners. Make it a luxury experience being around you.

How do you make people feel around you?
What can you do to bring kindness, pleasure and happiness into someone else's life?

- Don't overshare. Be still.
- Cultivate hobbies. Write, read and exercise. Keep yourself busy.
- Dress modestly. Be mindful of what you're wearing and what it says about you.

What are you passionate about?

The good you want for others is also
the good that is meant for you.

Mastin Kipp

Warmth: enthusiasm, affection, kindness.

- Watch your tone.
- Posture/body language.
- Love for other people.

- Gossip.
- Jealousy.
- Attitude.

Charming: polite, friendly, likeable.
Charismatic: exercising a compelling charm which inspires devotion in others.

1. Authenticity to your nature.
2. Exceptional manners.
3. Smile.
4. Lend a hand.
5. Have grace in interactions.

6. Engage in small talk.
7. Have a sense of humor.
8. Acknowledge everyone in a room.
9. Be tactful when you speak.
10. Keeping a positive spirit.

Develop a pleasing personality by developing
sincere and honest love for other people.

Napoleon Hill

- Be hard to get. Have a life.
- Be selective. Take your time to evaluate people. Set boundaries.
- Take care of yourself and your emotional needs.
- Don't validate yourself through someone else. Be aware of stereotypes in society and separate yourself from them.
- Position yourself as a high caliber woman. Show, don't tell. Develop good taste.
- Educate yourself. Find your passions. Dedicate yourself to work and projects.
- Do the best with what you have. Add femininity, confidence and elegance. Dress feminine. Highlight your feminine silhouette.

A superior man is modest in speech,
but exceeds in his actions.


1. Have a gentle and quiet spirit.
2. Living a purpose driven life.
3. Exercising values and boundaries.
4. Loving other people.

- Balance.
- Confidence.
- Logical thinking.
- A sense of humour.
- Natural beauty.
- Intelligence.
- Smile!
- Willingness to cater.
- Feminine energy & vulnerability.
- Peace.
- Attraction.
- Loyalty.
- Willingness to pour into his needs & desires.
- Being supportive & encouraging.
- Have boundaries.
- Don't be too much too soon.
- Reciprocate.
- Positive energy.
- Communication skills.
- Respect.

Some cause happiness wherever they go:
others whenever they go.

Oscar Wilde

Wednesday, January 10, 2024


People will forget what you said,
people will forget what you did, but
people will never forget how you made dem feel.

Maya Angelou

- Place your wine glass on the left side of the goblet.
- Never cut the leaves in the salad.
- Break up small bite sized pieces of bread and then apply.
- Always refill your table partner's glass before your own.
- Leave the cutlery like an inverted "V" on the plate. Don't do the "robocob".
- Never poke the knife outward, always keep it inwardly.
- Never apply makeup at the table. Go to the bathroom.
- Never grab the wine glass from the bowl or base. Always hold by the stem.
- Don't put your elbow on the table when you drink.
- Never blow your nose in public. Go to the restroom.
- Never put the tissue on the plate when the meal has ended. Place your napkin on the left side of the plate.

- Always RVSP & don't cancel last minute.
- Ask before bringing a guest.
- Never arrive empty-handed. Bring a bottle of wine or champagne.
- Respect the dress code.
- Eat beforehand.
- Be on time. Greet your host immediately. Thank them for inviting you, compliment them on the venue or what they're wearing and then you don't hog their time anymore.
- Say goodbye to your host.
- Keep your phone on silent and in your bag.
- Stay away from drama.
- Never stay until the end.

- Weddings.
- Funeral.
- Theatre.
- Holy places.
- Job interviews.
- Tik tok.
- Upscale restaurants.

- Respond within 24 hours.
- Don't overshare. Don't share private details. Aim for balance when it comes to sharing awareness.
- Don't give unsolicited advice.
- Don't be a typo police.
- Ask permission from friends before posting pictures of  them. Don't post bad pictures of others. Don't facetune only yourself.
- Ask permission before taking any footage of someone or their homes.
- Think before filming in public places.

1. Don't post provocative pictures.
2. Don't overshare your love life or partner online.
3. Don't post passive aggressive quotes.
4. Don't post pictures with cigarettes & alcohol.
5. Don't post on social media when you're drunk.
6. Don't brag.
7. Don't be a drama queen.
8. Don't post when you're in a bad mood.
10. Don't post content in low light.

Don't use social media to impress people;
use it to impact people.

Dave Willis

Monday, January 1, 2024


The most ethical diet just so happens to be
the most environmentally sound diet and
just so happens to be the healthiest.

Michael Greger

Becoming vegan was the biggest change I ever
made in my life, and one of the greatest
accomplishments as well.

Woody Harrelson

Pursuing self-esteem can be motivating,
but other sources of motivation, such as
goals that are good for the self and others,
can provide the same motivation
without the costs.

Jennifer Crocker & Lora Park

Be nice to the environment.
Be nice to animals.
Be nice to people.
If you do that, you will
leave a mark on the world.

Enock Maregesi

My own view is that being vegan is not an end
in itself, but a means towards reducing both
human and animal suffering and leaving a
habitable planet to future generations.

Peter Singer

Being vegan is the right thing for yourself
and for the planet and animals.

Lenny Kravitz

It is the best decision I have ever made and I've
enjoyed it so much more than I could ever have
expected. It feels good to do the right thing.

Lucy Watson

Every person I have met who has gone vegan
says it is the best decision they have ever made.

Lewis Hamilton

What I want people to know is that it's a joy
to be vegan. It feels good intellectually,
morally, spiritually. It's just leading
with kindness basically. That's what we
all need to do. Lead with kindness
and that will change the world.

Jo-Ann McArthur

The good you want for others is also
the good that is meant for you.

Mastin Kipp

Being vegan for me is about trying to live a life
where I'm not contributing to
the cruelty in the world.

Jessica Chastain

It's the best decision I have ever made.
For my health and for the world and
for the sake of decency and compassion.

Paul Wesley

To become vegan is to step into the stream
which leads to nirvana.


What you do makes a difference,
and you have to decide what kind
of difference you want to make.

Jane Goodall

Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction
ends up being the biggest step of your life.
Tip toe if you must. But take the step.

Naeem Callaway